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http://www.100md.com 2006年12月18日 《中国医药报》 2006.12.18

    Shop assistant: Hello! What can I do for you?


    Customer: Do you have this medicine?


    Shop assistant: Let me see your prescription.Yes,we have Mucosolvan.


    Customer: I have no medicare and medicines in hospital are always more expensive,so I want to know the price here.


    Shop assistant: Counter 2, please.


    Customer: Yes, yours are cheaper. Could you tell me how this medicine works?


    Shop assistant: Ok. It can effectively reduce phlegm for acute or chronic bronchopneumonia and is especially for acute attacks of chronicand asthmatic bronchopneumonia. It can accelerate the removal of sticky secretions in the respiratory tract and visibly reliev ecough andphlegm symptoms.


    Customer: Will it be too long if I continue taking it for a week according to the doctor?


    Shop assistant: Not at all. It has good tolerance and can be used for long time.


    Customer: How about any adverse reaction?


    Shop assistant: Sligh tadverse reaction of the upper digestive tract. And the main symptoms are burning sensation in the stomach, dyspepsia andso on, but hardly few reports of serious acute anaphylaxis.


    Customer: Ok, a box of this medicine please.


    Shop assistant: Sure, and by the way, do avoid taking any potent antitussive at the same time.


    Customer: I see! Thanks, bye!


    Shop assistant: Bye!

    (赵喜君 华铮 王立峰), http://www.100md.com(赵喜君;华铮;王立峰)