叶建明, 胡品津, 易粹琼, 薛存宽, 呼闯营, 陈凤鸣, 钱 伟
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叶建明, 中山大学博士后流动站, 中山市人民医院消化内科 广东省中山市 528402
胡品津, 中山大学附属第一医院消化内科 广东省广州市 510080
易粹琼, 呼闯营, 陈凤鸣, 钱伟, 华中科技大学同济医学院附属协和医院消化科 湖北省武汉市 430020
薛存宽, 华中科技大学同济医学院老年医学研究所 湖北省武汉市 430077
叶建明, 医学博士, 副主任医师, 2004年中山大学博士后流动站进站博士, 主要从事消化系统肿瘤研究.
通讯作者: 叶建明, 528402, 广东省中山市石岐区孙文中路2号, 中山市人民医院消化内科. yjm3839@sina.com
电话: 0760-8840528
收稿日期: 2006-08-08 接受日期: 2006-10-18
Valepotriate-induced apoptosis of gastric cancer cell line MKN-45
Jian-Ming Ye, Pin-Jin Hu, Cui-Qiong Yi, Cun-Kuan Xue, Chuang-Ying Hu, Feng-Ming Chen, Wei Qian
Jian-Ming Ye,Postdoctoral Station of Sun Yat-Sen University; Department of Gastroenterology, Zhongshan People's Hospital, Zhongshan 528402, Guangdong Province, China
Pin-Jin Hu,Department of Gastroenterology, the First Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou 510080, Guangdong Province, China
Cui-Qiong Yi, Chuang-Ying Hu, Feng-Ming Chen, Wei Qian,Department of Gastroenterology, Union Hospital, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430020, Hubei Province, China
Cun-Kuan Xue,Institution of Geriatric Medicine, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430077, Hubei Province, China
Correspondence to:Jian-Ming Ye, Postdoctoral Station of Sun Yat-Sen University; Department of Gastroenterology, Zhongshan People's Hospital, Zhongshan 528402, Guangdong Province, China. yjm3839@sina.com
Received:2006-08-08 Accepted:2006-10-18
AIM: To study the apoptosis of gastric cancer cell line MKN-45 induced by valepotriate and its relationship with the expression of Caspase, P53, and Survivin.
METHODS: Gastric cancer cell line MKN-45 was divided into 4 groups, named group A (control), B (treated with Caspase-3, -8 and -9 inhibitors), C (treated with valepotriate) and D (treated with inhibitory agents plus valepotriate), respectively ......