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http://www.100md.com 《时珍国医国药》 2006年第8期
     摘要:目的通过三种麦冬药材中大类成分的含量测定,为麦冬大类成分的提取纯化选择适宜的原药材。方法用紫外可见分光光度法分别对总皂苷、总多糖、总黄酮进行含量测定。结果总皂苷、总多糖含量:川麦冬须根>浙麦冬>川麦冬;总黄酮含量:浙麦冬>川麦冬须根>川麦冬。结论 提取麦冬总皂苷可选用川麦冬须根作为原料药;提取麦冬总多糖、总黄酮可选用浙麦冬作为原料药。

    关键词:麦冬; 总皂苷; 总多糖; 总黄酮 ; 紫外可见分光光度法

    Comparison on the Content of Main Component in Ophiopogonis japonicus

    WU Xiaoru, XU Desheng, FENG Yi, XIE Miao

    (Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Shanghai 201203, China)

    Abstract:ObjectiveComparing the content of main component of Ophiopogon, to select suitable materials for extracting . Methods The contents of total saponins, polysaccharide and flavone were determined by UV spectrophotometry. ResultsThe contents of total saponins and polysaccharide were richer in Fibre Ophiopogon than that in the others. The contents of total flavone was the richest in Radix Ophipogon in Zhejiang province.ConclusionFibre Ophiopogon japonicus in Sichuan province can be as a herbal materia to extract saponins. And Radix Ophiopogon in Zhejiang province can be used to extract polysaccharide and flavone. ......

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