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http://www.100md.com 《创伤外科杂志》 2007年第1期
     摘要: 药物在脊髓损伤的治疗中起着重要作用,如何有效保护脊髓、减少继发性损伤、促进受损神经元再生一直是脊髓损伤药物治疗研究的重点。本文就目前脊髓损伤药物治疗现状作一综述。


    Current situation in pharmacological intervention for spinal cord injury

    ZHAO Jun,QUAN Zhengxue,LIU Bo

    (Department of Orthopaedics,First Affiliated Hospital,Chongqing University of Medical Sciences,Chongqing 400016,China)

    Abstract: Pharmacological intervention plays an important role in the treatment of spinal cord injury,it is constantly the focal point in the research of pharmacological intervention for spinal cord injury to effectively protect damaged spinal cord,attenuate secondary injury and promote axonal regeneration.We made a particular interpretation of the current situation in pharmacological intervention for spinal cord injury.

    Key words:spinal cord injury;pharmacological intervention

    脊髓损伤(spinal cord injury,SCI) 因其后果严重,治疗困难,一直是人们研究的重点。近年来,随着对SCI基础研究的不断深入, 急性SCI引发的继发性损伤越来越受到重视。如何减少继发性损伤,促进受损神经元再生成为研究的一个热点。根据病情、受伤时间以及不同的病理阶段,选择一种比较有效的治疗药物,成为SCI治疗不可缺少的环节。本文就目前SCI药物治疗的现状作一综述。

    1 急性期及继发反应期的药物治疗

    1.1 甲基强的松龙(glucocorticoid methylprednisolone sodium succinate ......

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