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http://www.100md.com 《实用医技杂志》 2006年第21期
     [摘要] 目的:通过实例观察颅内单发或多发钙化灶出现部位、大小、形态,依其一定规律性,尽可能作出诊断与鉴别诊断。方法:选取我科近年来头部CT扫描出现颅内单发或多发钙化灶病例24例,所有病例皆经过临床证实,对其钙化形态,大小出现部位进行总结分析,研究其规律性。所用仪器为GEHISPEED,ZX/I螺旋CT扫描机,扫描基线为听眦线(OML),层厚5 mm~10 mm,层间距为3 mm~10 mm,轴位连续扫描。结果:颅内单发或多发钙可见于多种疾病,多种疾病钙化在颅内CT表现各有差别。

    [关键词] 多发钙化;螺旋CT;颅内

    CT Diagnosis and Differential Diagnosis of Single or Multiple Calcification in Brain

    MA Yanzhou

    (Guangzhou Redcross Hospital,Guangzhou,Guangdong 510000,China)

    Abstract:Objective To improve diagnosis and differential of singleor multiple calcification in brain by observing the location,size,morphology and changes.Methods CT scans were performed in 24 patients with singleor multiple calcification in brain.All cases were proved by clinical examination.The location,size and morphology of calcification were analyzed and found out the regularity.GEHISPEED ZX/I spiral CT were used,continuous scanning with OML as baseline,5 mm~10 mm axial slices apart 3 mm~10 mm were taken from the top of the vault to cranial base.

    Key words:Multiple Calcification;Spiral CT;Brain

    CT对查出颅内钙化较MR敏感 ......

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