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http://www.100md.com 《实用医技杂志》 2006年第14期
     [摘 要] 目的:了解孕妇膳食的特点,并提出合理建议,以利于胎儿生长发育。方法:运用24 h回顾法在广东省广州市两所医院调查了169名孕妇,对每个调查对象的各类食物摄入量进行询问,分别计算平均每日食物摄入量、每日营养素摄入量、三大营养素产能比和蛋白质来源百分比。结果:孕妇膳食中的蔬菜、豆类及豆制品、奶及奶制品摄入不足,三大产热营养素的热能供给比例适宜,热能、蛋白质、钙、核黄素和硫胺素的摄入均不同程度不足,动物性、大豆类及其制品等优质蛋白的比例占所有食物来源蛋白质的23%。结论:孕妇健康教育亟待加强,应纠正孕妇不良的膳食习惯。

    [关键词] 孕妇;膳食调查;营养评价

    Dietary Survey and Nutritional Evaluation of 169 third Trimester of Pregnant Women

    WANG Linjing1,ZHONG Shuting2,NING Yanhui3

    (1.School of Public Health,Guangdong Medical College,Guangzhou, Guangdong 510224,China;

    2.Guangzhou Second People's Hospital, Guangzhou, Guangdong 510150,China;3.The 157th Central Hospital of PLA, Guangzhou, Guangdong 510511,China)

    Abstract:Objective To explore dietary characteristic of third trimester of pregnant women.Methods 169 pregnant women(third trimester of pergenncy) in hospitals in Guangzhou city were investigated.A 24 h diet history was recorded.Frequency and quantity of the food intak were collected from every participant,then calculate the dietary intake,the percentage of energy from protein,fat and carbohydrate and the percentage of protein resource.Results The intake ofvegetable,legume and product,milk and product were deficient.Energy,protein,calcium,riboflavin and thiamine intake were deficient.The percentage of energy from protein,fat and carbohydrate was feat according to daily dietary reference intakes (DRIs).The percentage of protein in animal food and legume products was low(23%) in total protein.Conclusion It isnecessary to rectify the bad eating habit and promote the education on pregnant women. ......

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