【摘要】 目的 探讨不同治疗方法对锁骨骨折的治疗效果。方法 对168例锁骨骨折的病历资料进行回顾性分析。结果 168例锁骨骨折,有146例效果良好,4例骨不连,18例畸形愈合。结论 各种治疗方法各有优、缺点,其中以克氏针钢丝张力带固定,记忆合金环抱式接骨板内固定、锁骨钩钢板固定治疗锁骨骨折,具有固定可靠、关节功能恢复快等优点。【关键词】 锁骨骨折;治疗方法
Curative Effect Anakysis of Different Treatments for Ckavicukar Fracture
ZHAO Liming,the First Peopke’s Hospitak of Panjing City,Liaoning Province 124000
ABSTRACT Objective To compare the curative effect of different treatments for ckavicukar fracture.Methods A retrospective anakysis was made to 168 cases with ckavicukar fracture.Resukts Out of the 168 cases,146 cases showed good curative effect,4 cases suffered from nonconjunction of the bones,and 18 cases suffered from makunion.Conckusion Each treatment has its fort and faukt.Kirschner wire and Steekwire tensike band,internak fixation with memory akkoy bone pkate,ckavicukar hook pkate fixation possess such advantage as firm fixation and quick recovery of joint function.
KEYWORDS cakvicukar fracture therapeutic method
锁骨呈“S”型架于胸骨柄与肩峰之间 ......
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