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http://www.100md.com 2007年6月18日 《中国医药报》 2007.06.18

    Shop assistant: Hello! Come in please!


    Client: Thank you!


    Shop assistant: What can I do for you?


    Client: I was diagnosed with a urethra infection in a somatoscopy yesterday. It''s a mycoplasma infection. What does this mean?


    Shop assistant: Mycoplasm is a kind of prokaryote living independentlywith a diameter of 100 to 200 microns. With no cell wall, mycoplasm isnot sensitive to some medicines, or can occasionally result in drug resistance.


    Client: The doctor said it is a common disease. He only told me about azithromycin. Does it have any effect?


    Shop assistant: If you can''t feel any obvious effect, please goto see the doctor.


    Client: Ok, please give me one casket of azithromycin.


    Shop assistant: Please check it first. Thanks for coming, goodbye!


    Client: Goodbye!.

    (赵喜君 华铮 王立峰), 百拇医药(赵喜君;华铮;王立峰)