作者:王 昕 黄 宁 罗颂椒
摘要 目的摘要 目的:了解功能矫形前伸大鼠下颌后胰岛素对翼外肌适应性改建的作用。方法:采用放射免疫分析技术分别检测实验组和对照组大鼠翼外肌内胰岛素的含量。结果:功能矫形前伸下颌后,生长期大鼠翼外肌内胰岛素含量增加。结论:胰岛素在功能矫形前伸大鼠下颌后翼外肌的适应性改建中有重要作用。
A Radioimmunologic Assay of Insulin in Lateral Pterygoid Muscle After Functional Mandibular Protrusion in Rats
Wang Xin, Huang Ning, Luo Songjiao
College of Stomatology, West China University of Medical Sciences
Abstract Objective: To investigate the effect of insulin on the lateral pterygoid muscle after functional mandibular protrusion in rats. Methods: Radioimmunoassay was used to examine the level of insulin in lateral pterygoid muscle quantitively after functional mandibular protrusion in young growing rats. Results: The amount of insulin in lateral pterygoid muscle in young>Transfer interrupted!, 百拇医药
摘要 目的摘要 目的:了解功能矫形前伸大鼠下颌后胰岛素对翼外肌适应性改建的作用。方法:采用放射免疫分析技术分别检测实验组和对照组大鼠翼外肌内胰岛素的含量。结果:功能矫形前伸下颌后,生长期大鼠翼外肌内胰岛素含量增加。结论:胰岛素在功能矫形前伸大鼠下颌后翼外肌的适应性改建中有重要作用。
A Radioimmunologic Assay of Insulin in Lateral Pterygoid Muscle After Functional Mandibular Protrusion in Rats
Wang Xin, Huang Ning, Luo Songjiao
College of Stomatology, West China University of Medical Sciences
Abstract Objective: To investigate the effect of insulin on the lateral pterygoid muscle after functional mandibular protrusion in rats. Methods: Radioimmunoassay was used to examine the level of insulin in lateral pterygoid muscle quantitively after functional mandibular protrusion in young growing rats. Results: The amount of insulin in lateral pterygoid muscle in young>Transfer interrupted!, 百拇医药