眼视光学杂志000331 1992年美国Schachar医师对经典的Helmholtz调节理论提出质疑,创立了新的调节假说 ,并首次提出了巩膜扩张术(SRP)--以手术逆转老视;通过重建晶状体赤道部与睫状肌之 间的生理空间,使前部睫状肌纤维重新紧张以恢复调节,并经过视近训练,睫状肌最终可提 高2 ~8D的调节力。近年来Schachar等已逐步完善了手术方法、手术器械和巩膜扩张条的材料和 形式,并将手术推广到世界40多个国家,现已进行了1000多例手术。
7月27日~28日,Sch achar医师来到温州医学院附属眼视光医院,举行了精彩的学术演讲,并与眼视光医院的医 师一起成功进行了4只眼的手术。来自华东五省一市的40余位眼科医师通过现场直播亲眼目 睹了手术的全过程。本次活动得到了桦莹集团的大力协助,据了解,温州医学院附属眼视光 医院已成为亚太地区第二家开展这种老视手术(SRP)的眼科医院。
Surgical reversal of Presbyopia starts in China
Dr. Shachar,in 1992,put forward a challenge to the Helmholtz' s classical theory of accommodation,which presbyopia is deduced through the decr eased space between crystal lens and cilliary muscles rather than the aging of l ens. The surgical reversal of presbyopia(SRP) was created. On July 27,2000,Dr. S chachar and his colleagues came to Wenzhou,giving presentation and SRP surgery w orkshop. Wenzhou doctors,under his observation,started the SRP with sclera Expan sion Bands(SEB) on two volunteers., http://www.100md.com
眼视光学杂志000331 1992年美国Schachar医师对经典的Helmholtz调节理论提出质疑,创立了新的调节假说 ,并首次提出了巩膜扩张术(SRP)--以手术逆转老视;通过重建晶状体赤道部与睫状肌之 间的生理空间,使前部睫状肌纤维重新紧张以恢复调节,并经过视近训练,睫状肌最终可提 高2 ~8D的调节力。近年来Schachar等已逐步完善了手术方法、手术器械和巩膜扩张条的材料和 形式,并将手术推广到世界40多个国家,现已进行了1000多例手术。
7月27日~28日,Sch achar医师来到温州医学院附属眼视光医院,举行了精彩的学术演讲,并与眼视光医院的医 师一起成功进行了4只眼的手术。来自华东五省一市的40余位眼科医师通过现场直播亲眼目 睹了手术的全过程。本次活动得到了桦莹集团的大力协助,据了解,温州医学院附属眼视光 医院已成为亚太地区第二家开展这种老视手术(SRP)的眼科医院。
Surgical reversal of Presbyopia starts in China
Dr. Shachar,in 1992,put forward a challenge to the Helmholtz' s classical theory of accommodation,which presbyopia is deduced through the decr eased space between crystal lens and cilliary muscles rather than the aging of l ens. The surgical reversal of presbyopia(SRP) was created. On July 27,2000,Dr. S chachar and his colleagues came to Wenzhou,giving presentation and SRP surgery w orkshop. Wenzhou doctors,under his observation,started the SRP with sclera Expan sion Bands(SEB) on two volunteers., http://www.100md.com