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http://www.100md.com 《中华口腔医学杂志》 2000年第5期
     作者:耿素芳 曹采方 陈智滨 安悦邦 张立

    单位:耿素芳(北京医科大学口腔医学院牙周科 100081);曹采方(北京医科大学口腔医学院牙周科 100081);陈智滨(北京医科大学口腔医学院牙周科 100081);安悦邦(北京医科大学口腔医学院牙周科 100081);张立(北京医科大学口腔医学院牙周科 100081)


    中华口腔医学杂志000505 【摘要】 目的 评价牙周炎患者局部应用米诺四环素对其龈沟液中胶原酶活性的影响及其临床疗效。方法 采用单盲随机对照法,选择31例慢性牙周炎患者,分为用药组和对照组,每组各60个探诊深度>5 mm且探诊后出血的牙位点。在基线前须完成全口龈上洁治及口腔卫生宣教。检查:基线时试验牙取龈沟液样本(测定胶原酶),记录菌斑指数、探诊深度、附着丧失和探诊出血,然后行龈下刮治术,用药侧每周放1次药,共4次,对照侧不放药。第4、7、11周的检查同上。结果 用药组龈沟液中胶原酶水平与其基线、对照组相比明显下降(P<0.01),其他各项临床指标的改善也更为明显。结论 应用米诺四环素软膏作为牙周炎基础治疗的辅助疗法,能有效降低龈沟液中胶原酶活性水平,从而有效地阻止牙周组织的破坏。
, 百拇医药
    The effect of non-surgical periodontal and adjunctive minocycline-HCL treatments on collagenase activity

    GENG Sufang, CAO Caifang, CHEN Zhibin, et al.

    (Department of Periodontology, School of Stomatology, Beijing Medical University, Beijing 100081,China)

    【Abstract】 Objective To evaluate the effect of scaling and root planing combined with local application of 2% minocycline hydrochoride ointment(Periocline) on the level of collagenase activity releasing from PMNs in GCF. Methods This was a randomized, single-blinded, split mouth design study. The target sites of 31 patients with moderate to severe periodontitis (PD>5 mm) was randomized by left-side and right-side into one of the two groups (the test group and the control group). Subsequently each patient was scheduled for two appointments for the full-month supra-gingival scaling and oral hygiene instruction. At baseline all patients received subgingival scaling and root planing and were followed by 4-time applications of Periocline with one-week interval for totally four weeks in the test group. All patients were taken GCF for measuring collagenase by the method of Nakashima et al(1996) and were examined based on four parameters, including plaque index, pocket depth, attachment loss and bleeding on probing. Results Four weeks after root planing with 4-time applications of Periocline, all clinical parameters and active collagenase in GCF decreased significantly in the test groups[(593±112)mU/sample vs (311±98)mU/sample , P<0.001]. On the other hand, simple root-planing therapy had limited effect on the active collagenase[(611±123)mU/sample vs (523±127)mU/sample], although all clinical parameters were also reduce significantly. Interestingly, seven weeks later, gingival infla mmation and the active collagenase were reduced more significantly than those after four-week root planing in both groups[Test:(311±98)mU/sample vs (207±57)mU/sample; Control:(523±127)mU/sample vs (345±117)mU/sample, P<0.001]. At eleven week, gingival infla mmation and the level of collagenase activity were rebounded in the control group[(467±108)mU/sample].However, in the test group they were kept in lower level[(213±121)mU/sample]. The level of collagenase activity showed significantly positive correlation with GCF volumes and AL in two groups. Conclusion These results indicate that local application of 2% minocycline hydrochoride ointment may effectively inhibit the level of active collagenase from PMNs and may inhibit connective tissue breakdown by inhibiting neutrophil collagenase.
, 百拇医药
    【Key words】 Antibiotics,tetracycline; Peridontitis; Collagenases

    胶原酶(collagenase, COL)能广泛地降解胶原纤维,对牙周结缔组织的破坏起很主要的作用[1]。胶原酶和其他金属蛋白酶是以隐性及活性两种形式存在于牙周炎症组织及龈沟液(gingival crevicular fluid,GCF)中,其活性水平也随着炎症的加重及牙周袋的加深而增加[2,3]。现已证实中性多形核白细胞(polymorphonuclear leukocytes,PMNs)在牙周炎的致病机理中起着很重要的作用,且其在GCF中的数量与GCF中许多酶(胶原酶、弹力酶等)的水平有关[4]。GCF中宿主来源的胶原酶主要来自PMNs、纤维母细胞及巨噬细胞[5]。Sorsa等[6]研究表明,成人牙周炎患者GCF中COL的主要来源是PMNs(PMN-COL)。认为由于在牙周炎症的位点,大量的PMNs迁移至龈沟内致使源于PMNs的COL活性水平随之增加,导致胶原纤维降解、结缔组织破坏[6,7]。有研究表明,牙周炎症位点的GCF-COL水平明显高于牙龈炎及牙龈健康的牙位点[8,9]。盐酸米诺四环素软膏是一种牙周局部缓释药物,主要成分为盐酸米诺四环素(二甲胺四环素)。此药膏遇水变硬形成一层膜,可在牙周袋内缓慢释放其药物成分,并保持局部较高浓度达7 d。众所周知,四环素族药物除抑菌作用外,还有抑制COL的作用。该药对牙周炎治疗的辅助作用已有较多报道[10],但用药后GCF-COL的活性有无变化尚未见报道。为此,我们对盐酸米诺四环素软膏作为牙周基础治疗的辅助治疗对GCF-COL活性的影响,及其与临床指标的关系做了研究。
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    1.病例选择:从北京医科大学口腔医学院牙周科选择成人牙周炎患者31例,男14例,女17例,年龄25~60岁,平均36岁。入选患者符合:①无全身系统性疾病,妇女未妊娠或哺乳;②1年内未接受过牙周治疗;③2周内未服用抗生素或非甾体类抗炎药。④口腔内左右两侧至少各有1颗牙齿的探诊深度(probing depth,PD)≥5 mm且探诊出血(bleeding on probing,BOP)(+)。

    2.试验设计:采用同一口腔内病情相同牙齿的自身对照设计,受试者按随机表将左右侧共120个受试牙位点配对分组,即用药组和对照组各60个牙位点。首先对入选患者的口腔软组织和牙周状况进行检查,按上述标准选定受试牙。于基线前2周完成全口龈上洁治及口腔卫生宣教。在基线时,先记录受试牙的龈上菌斑指数(plaque index, PLI),然后用Periopaper收集GCF样本30 s,置于微离心管中,-70℃保存。取样后记录PD、临床附着丧失(attachment loss,AL)和BOP。当天对全部受试牙行龈下刮治。根据随机表确定用药组和对照组。用药组:将盐酸米诺四环素软膏(日本新时代公司提供)注满受试牙牙周袋,1次/周,共放4次。对照组:只对受试牙行龈下刮治,不放任何药物。第4、7及11周复诊检查同基线。
, 百拇医药
    3.GCF中COL的测定:采用Nakashima等[11]的方法,测定GCF-COL总量。操作顺序:取出待测样本,每管加入250 μl生理盐水,离心洗提GCF样本,取上清液55 μl再加入1 mmol/L的合成底物(2,4-DNP-Pro-Gln-Gly-Ile-Ala-Gly-Gln-D-Arg;Sigma Chem. Co.) 55 μl,混匀,37°C孵育24 h后再加400μl的1 mol/L盐酸及1.2 ml乙酸乙酯∶丁烷(1∶0.15 v/v)。充分混合20 s,2 500 r/min室温下离心20 min。取上层液在分光光度仪波长365 nm下读数,并转换成酶单位(1U=1 nmol DNP片断/h 释放),计算COL总量。


    1. 治疗前后各项指标的变化:从表1可见,用药组与对照组各项临床检查指标差异均无显著性(P>0.05),提示治疗前两组具有可比性。第4、7及11周复查时(表2),两组的各项临床指数与基线比较均有显著改善(P< 0.01)。而用药组的改善更更为明显,两组间差异有显著性(P< 0.01)。停药后1个月(第7周),用药组各项临床指标继续呈改善状态,且显著低于对照组(除PLI外),P< 0.01。在对照组,第11周复查时,各项临床指标与第7周比较均有反弹。
, 百拇医药
    表1 两组取样牙位点的临床情况及

    胶原酶的活性(±s) 组别








    ( mm)

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    ( mm)











, 百拇医药

    注:经Mann-Whitney U检验, P>0.05表2 两组间治疗前后临床指标的对比(±s) 指标









, 百拇医药

    101.0 ±21.4

    57.0 ±17.6*

    35.0 ±19.0*

    37.8 ±16.5*




    103.0 ±28.3

    65.9 ±16.8

    45.8 ±15.7
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    59.2 ±13.7











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    2.GCF-COL活性水平的变化(图1):用药组在龈下刮治后第4周时,GCF-COL活性的水平比基线时明显下降(P<0.01),而对照组的GCF-COL水平虽有下降,但与基线相比差异无显著性。在第7周复查时,两组的GCF-COL水平均持续下降。对照组下降的趋势大于第4周,且与基线比较差异有显著性。在第11周,发现用药组GCF-COL的活性水平仍保持较低水平,而对照组已开始有反弹,且与第7周相比差异有显著性(P< 0.01)。
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    图1 治疗前后龈沟液中胶原酶活性水平的变化

    3.GCF-COL水平的相关分析:用Spearman等级相关分析GCF-COL活性水平与临床指标的关系(表3),表明GCF-COL活性水平始终与GCF量呈正相关,P< 0.01,其次与治疗后的AL相关。

    表3 对照组龈沟液中胶原酶水平

    与其他指标的相关分析(r) 项目






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, 百拇医药     0.64*










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, 百拇医药

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, 百拇医药
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    (收稿日期:1999-12-17), 百拇医药