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http://www.100md.com 《医用生物力学》 2000年第3期
     作者:杨克强 王臻 桑宏勋 吕昌伟 王海强 彭磊

    单位:杨克强(解放军第255医院外二科 唐山 063000);王臻 桑宏勋 吕昌伟 王海强 彭磊(第四军医大学西京医院全军骨科研究所 710032)


    医用生物力学000312摘 要:目的:研究深低温冷冻法储骨时间与皮质骨生物力学特性的关系。方法:用深低温冷冻法储存的腓骨皮质作标本,分别将储存1年和7年的腓骨皮质做成弯曲及压缩试件,在Instron1195型电子拉伸试验机上测试两组的极限弯曲强度,弹性模量及极限压缩强度,所得数据进行组间t检验。结果:1年组和7年纽的极限弯曲强度差异不明显(P>0.05),弹性模量差异不明显(P>0.05),极限压缩强度差异不明显(P>0.05)。结论:深低温冷冻法储骨,皮质骨的生物力学特性受储存时间长短影响不显著。只要确保无污染,储存骨的使用不应受储存时间长短的影响,术中术后处理亦不应受影响。 THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN BIOMECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF DEEP FROZEN CRYOPRESERVATING ALLOGRAFT AND THE PRESERVATING TIME
, http://www.100md.com
    Yang Ke-Qiang ,Wang Zhen ,Sang Hong-Xun

    (Department of Orthopedics, 255th Hospital of PLA, TANG SHAN, HEBEI, 063000)

    Abstract:Objective: To study the relationship between the preservating time of deep frozen cryopreservating allograft and the biomechanical properties. Method: Specimens of the fibular bones of deep frozen cryopreservation for 1 and 7 years were made into test pieces of torture and compaction. And the bending strength(BS), modulus of elasticity(ME) and compact strength(CS) were measured on the INSTRON1195 electronic tensile test machine. The results were analysised with T test. Results: The 1 year group and the 7 year group had no significant difference in terms of BS (P>0.05), ME(P>0.05) and CS(P>0.05). Conclusion: Cryopreservation had no offects on the cortical bone biomechanics, as long as not being contaminated, the cryopreservation will be independent of storage time and the pre-or pro-operation treatments.
, 百拇医药
    Keywords:Deep Frozen Bone, Biomechanics, Allografts

    作者简介:杨克强 第四军医大学骨科研究所部队临床医学中青年人才培养基金班学员


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, 百拇医药
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