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http://www.100md.com 《中华医学遗传学杂志》 2000年第2期
     作者:朱宝生 沈晓梅 李春华 赖洵 李永刚 史克倩 冯怀英 王瑞红



    New Page 1 【摘要】 目的 检测费城染色体(Philadelphia chromosome, Ph染色体)阴性、变异型Ph染色体及伴有其它染色体异常的慢性粒细胞白血病(chronic myeloid leukemia,CML)的bcr/abl融合基因。方法 应用双色荧光原位杂交技术,检测伴有8种不同的骨髓细胞染色体畸变CML患者的bcr/abl融合基因。结果3例变异型Ph和7例有标准型Ph的CML患者均为bcr/abl融合基因阳性;在2例Ph阴性患者中,1例核型为46,XY,t(9;18)的患者为bcr/abl融合基因阳性;另1例核型46,XY,inv(2)的患者为阴性。结论 双色荧光原位杂交技术能够可靠地检测CML的bcr/abl融合基因,在bcr/abl融合基因阴性的CML患者中可能有其它的事件引发CML。
, 百拇医药
    A moleucular cytogenetic study on chromosome anomalies of chronic myeloid leukemia*

    ZHU Baosheng SHEN Xiaomei LI Chunhua LAI Xun LI Yonggang SHI Keqian

    FENG Huaiying, WANG Ruihong

    (Medical Genetics Center of Yunnan Province, The First Provincial Hospital of Yunnan, Kunming,Yunnan, 650032 P.R. China. E-mail:bszhu@public.km. yn.cn)

    【Abstract】 Objective To study the bcr/abl fusion gene in chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) cases with Philadelphia chromosome(Ph)negative,and variant Ph translocations and other chromosome anomalies.Methods The status of bcr/abl fusion gene in 8 kinds of chromosome anomalies was tested with dual-color fluorescence in situ hybridization(D-FISH) technique. Results The positive hybridization was demons trated in 3 cases of variant Ph CML and other 7 cases of standard Ph, respectively. In 2 cases of Ph-negative CML, one case that had karyotype such as 46,XY,t(9;18) showed positive hybridization, the other case with 46,XY, inv(2) showed negative result. Conclusion The result demonstrates that D-FISH technique is reliable for detecting bcr/abl fusion gene. The existence of negative bcr/abl fusion gene CML implies that some other initial events inducing CML might have occurred in such cases.
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    【Key words】 chronic myeloid leukemia; chromosome anomalies; fluorescence in situ hybridization; bcr/abl fusion gene

    费城染色体(Philadelphia chromosome,Ph染色体)是慢性粒细胞白血病(chronic myeloid leukemia,CML)在细胞遗传学水平上的特征性改变,Ph染色体阳性已成为CML诊断的重要指标之一。典型的Ph染色体,导致bcr/abl融合基因的产生,被认为是CML的始动突变[1,2]。在Ph阴性或者变异型Ph染色体的CML患者中,是否存在bcr/abl融合基因值得探讨。我们应用双色荧光原位杂交技术(dual-color fluorescence in situ hybridization, D-FISH),对一组Ph阳性、Ph阴性、变异型染色体的CML患者进行bcr/abl融合基因检测的研究。
, 百拇医药
    1 材料和方法

    1.1 病例及材料 (1)病例及临床诊断标准:伴有8种不同类型的染色体畸变的CML病例共12例,其中男性患者8例,女性患者4例,中数年龄为41岁,范围20~63岁。血常规:白细胞(25~94)×109/L,未成熟粒性白细胞占30%~64%,血小板计数(38~560)×109/L;骨髓象呈粒系红系增生活跃。参照国内有关CML诊断及分期标准诊断为CML[3]。(2)研究材料:骨髓细胞染色体标本和骨髓涂片均有。

    1.2 方法 (1)骨髓染色体和细胞涂片制备:按文献[4]方法进行;细胞遗传学分析按照“人类细胞遗传学命名国际体制(ISCN,1985)[5]”进行。(2)FISH操作步骤:按文献[6]方法进行。已做过G-显带核型分析的标本,在脱油脱色处理后仍可用于原位杂交,定位杂交信号在染色体上的位置。荧光标记的bcr基因探针和abl基因探针购自VYSIS公司。bcr基因探针为异硫氰荧光素(FITC)直接标记,abl基因探针为罗达明(Rhodamine)直接标记。
, 百拇医药
    2 结果


    表1 12例CML的细胞遗传学和D-FISH分析结果

    Table 1 Cytogenetics and D-FISH analyses results in 12 cases of CML



    Chromosome anomalies
, 百拇医药

    Karyotype of bone

    marrow cell








    Typical Ph chromosome

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    Typical Ph chromosome





    Typical Ph with other translocation



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    Double Ph chromosomes




    Variant Ph translocation




    Variant Ph translocation


, 百拇医药     +


    Variant Ph translocation




    Ph negative with other translocation





    Ph negative with
, 百拇医药







    Note: Smear-testing was made only in 5 cases; case 2 did not have smear to be done (仅5例患者做了骨髓涂片检查,例2无骨髓涂片做此检查);Typical Ph chromosome(标准Ph);Double Ph chromosome (双Ph);Variant Ph translocation (变异Ph);Ph negative with other translocation(Ph阴性伴其它易位);Ph negative with inversion (Ph阴性伴倒位);Total(合计)
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    在3例变异型Ph染色体的CML患者(病例8~10)中,bcr/abl融合基因存在于变异型Ph染色体上。在两名Ph阴性CML患者中,病例11有bcr/abl融合基因,存在于一条22呈染色体长臂上;而病例12的骨髓细胞核型为46,XY,inv(2)(p21-q13),无bcr/abl融合基因,其abl基因和bcr基因各自存在于9号染色体和22号染色体的正常位置上,见图1、图2。t11701.gif (15872 bytes)t11702.gif (37152 bytes)
, 百拇医药
    图1 病例12的骨髓细胞G带分裂相 图2 左图的荧光原位杂交信号 abl基因(红点)和bcr基因(绿点)分别存在于9号和22号染色体上

    Fig 1 G-banding metaphase of bone marrow cells in case 12 Fig 2 FISH signals of the above metaphase abl gene(red signals) and bcr gene (green signals) exist on chromosomes 9 and 22 separately

    3 讨论

    我们应用D-FISH技术,检测Ph阴性、变异型Ph染色体及其它染色体异常的CML患者中的bcr/abl融合基因,阳性率为91.7%,高于细胞遗传学检查Ph染色体的阳性率(83.3%)。说明D-FISH技术检测bcr/abl融合基因的灵敏度和可靠性较高。加之可以直接对骨髓涂片进行检测,该技术用于诊断CML明显优于细胞遗传学检查。与过去常用的核酸印迹杂交法(Southern blot)[1,2]相比,该技术大大缩短了检查时间。
, 百拇医药




    [1]Groffen J, Stephenson JR, Heisterkamp N, et al.Philadelphia chromosomal breakpoints are clustered within a limited region, bcr, on chromosome 22. Cell, 1984,36(1)∶93-99.
, 百拇医药
    [2]Shtivelman E, Lifshitz B, Gale RP, et al. Fused transcript of abl and bcr genes in chronic myelogenous leukemia. Nature, 1985,315(6020)∶550-554.

    [3]Zhang ZN. Criterions for diagnoses and curative effect on hematonosis. 1th ed. Tianjin: Tianjin Science and Technology Press,1990.193-200.〔张之南编著.血液病诊断及疗效标准.第1版.天津:天津科技出版社,1990.193-200.〕

    [4]Zhu BS, Huang SZ, Yi SJ, et al.Cytogenetics and clinical observation on variant Ph translocation in chronic myeloid leukemia. Medicine Pharmacy of Yunnan,1996,17(6)∶466-467.〔朱宝生,黄士智,易淑君,等.慢粒细胞白血病变异Ph易位的细胞遗传学及临床观察.云南医药.1996,17(6)∶466-467.〕
, 百拇医药
    [5]An International System for Human Cytogenetic Nomenclature (1985) ISCN 1985. Report of the Standing Committee on Human Cytogenetic Nomenclature. Birth Defects Orig Artic Ser,1985,21(1)∶1-117.

    [6]Zhu BS, Shen XM, Li CH, et al.Detection of bcr/abl fusion gene in chronic myeloid leukemia by dual-color fluorescent in situ hybridization. Chin J Med Genet, 1999,16(4)∶267-268.〔朱宝生,沈晓梅,李春华,等.双色荧光原位杂交检测慢性粒细胞白血病的bcr/abl融合基因.中华医学遗传学杂志.1999,16(4)∶267-268.〕
, http://www.100md.com
    [7]Abe S, Minamihisamatsu M, Ishihara T, et al.Chromosomal in situ hybridization and Southern blot analyses using c-abl, c-sis,or bcr probe in chronic myelogenous leukemia cells with variant Philadelphia translocations. Cancer Genet Cytogenet,1989,38(1)∶61-74.

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    收稿日期:1999-08-20, 百拇医药