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http://www.100md.com 《中国消毒学杂志》 1999年第1期
     作者:朱厚宏 王德来

    单位:成都市第二卫生防疫站,温江 611130


    中国消毒学杂志9901004 提要 新洁灵消毒精为双长链季铵盐类消毒剂,含5%溴化双(十二烷基二甲基)乙撑二铵。其含0.25%有效成分稀释液对金黄色葡萄球菌作用5min,含0.50%者对大肠杆菌作用5min与对白色念珠菌作用10min,杀灭率均可达100%。含0.25%者作用10min,可将HBsAg 抗原性破坏。杀菌作用因有机物存在而减弱,随温度升高而增强。

, 百拇医药
    Zhu Houhong Wang Delai

    (Second Sanitary and Anti-epidemic Station of Chengdu City, Wenjiang 611130)

    Abstract The Xinjieling Disinfectant (XJL) is a disinfectant of double long chain quaternary ammonium salt and contains 5% di(dodecyl dimethyl) ethylene diammonium bromide (DDEDB). Its 0.25% solution obtained after 20-fold dilution of Xinjieling killed 100% of Staphylococcus aureus in 5min and destroyed the antigenicity of HBsAg in 10min. Its 0.5% solution killed 100% of Escherichia coli in 5min and 100% of Candida albicans in 10min. Its germicidal efficacy increased with increasing temperature and decreased in presence of organic substance.
, 百拇医药
    Key words doulble long chain quaternary ammonium salt di(dodecyl dimethyl) ethylene diammonium bromide germicidal effect Staphylococcus aureusEscherichia coli Candida albicans HBsAg

    新洁灵消毒精(下简称新洁灵)为双长链季铵盐消毒剂,杀菌有效成分为5%溴化双(十二烷基二甲基)乙撑二铵(didodecyldimethyl ethylene diammonium bromide,DDEDB)。在实验室对其杀灭微生物效果及影响因素进行了实验观察。现将结果报道如下。

    1 方法

    1.1 中和剂选择试验

    试验菌为金黄色葡萄球菌(ATCC 6538)。试验分6组:① 消毒剂+菌液;②(消毒剂+菌液)+中和剂;③中和剂+菌液;④(消毒剂+中和剂)+菌液;⑤正常菌对照;⑥未接种菌的培养基对照。试验结果,当第6组不长菌,第3、4、5组组间菌数差≤ 10%,第1组不长菌或长菌量远低于第2组,第2组长菌量超过100cfu/ml时,为所用中和剂及其浓度适宜〔1,2〕
, 百拇医药
    1.2 悬液定量杀菌试验

    试验菌为金黄色葡萄球菌、大肠杆菌(ATCC 25922)与白色念珠菌(ATCC 10231)。试验时,取0.5ml菌液加入4.5ml消毒液(对照为无菌蒸馏水)中,混匀。置于25℃恒温水浴作用至预定时间,取0.5ml菌药混合液,加入4.5ml中和剂溶液中,混匀。作用10min,取该液或其稀释液1.0ml 接种平皿,倾注普通营养琼脂(白色念珠菌为沙氏葡萄糖琼脂)并混匀。于37℃培养18~24h(白色念珠菌于28℃培养5d),计数菌落数,计算杀灭率。

    1.3 乙型肝炎表面抗原破坏试验

    将纯化乙型肝炎表面抗原(HBsAg)制成含量为80μg/ml 的悬液,用1份该悬液与5份消毒液混合。作用至预定时间,再加入与混合液等量的中和剂溶液,混匀。中和作用10min,用ELISA 法检测OD值。试验设阴性对照(消毒液加中和剂作用的中和产物)与阳性对照(中和产物加HBsAg)。以试验组OD值(S)与阴性对照OD值(N)之比(S/N)≤ 2.1为 HBsAg阴性。
, 百拇医药
    2 结果

    2.1 中和剂试验结果

    试验中,以含1.0%吐温80、0.1%卵磷脂与0.5%硫代硫酸钠的溶液作用于含O1.0%有效成分的新洁灵溶液,可符合中和要求(表1)。表1 新洁灵中和试验结果

    Table 1 Result of neutralization test for Xinjieling 组别



    Average bacterial


, 百拇医药










, 百拇医药



    +bacterial suspension



    Normal bacterial




    Uninoculated culture
, 百拇医药
    medium control



    Note: The test bacteria was E.coli. The temperature was 25℃. The exposure time of bacterial suspension to the disinfectant (1.0% DDEDB) was 1min and the neutraling time was 10min. The results are means of 5 tests.

    2.2 杀菌效果

    经悬液杀菌试验,含0.25%有效成分的新洁灵溶液对金黄色葡萄球菌作用5min,含0.50%有效成分者对大肠杆菌作用5min与对白色念珠菌作用10min,杀灭率均为100%(表2)。表2 新洁灵对悬液中微生物的杀灭效果
, 百拇医药
    Table 2 Efficacy of Xinjieling in killing microorganism in suspension DDEDB浓度


    of DDEDBC



    Killing rate (%) after exposure

    for different periods of time (min)


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, 百拇医药












, 百拇医药     E.coli












, 百拇医药











, 百拇医药












, 百拇医药




    注:试验温度为25℃。对照组平均菌数金黄色葡萄球菌为662000cfu/ml,大肠杆菌为578 000cfu/ml,白色念珠菌为126 000cfu/ml。结果为5次试验平均值。

    Note: The temperature was 25℃. The average bacterial count of the positive control group was 662000cfu/ml for S.aureus, 578000cfu/ml for E.coli and 126000cfu/ml for C.albicans. The results are means of 5 tests. 2.3 影响因素
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    2.3.1 有机物 以小牛血清代表有机物。当菌悬液中小牛血清浓度为5%时,对新洁灵杀灭金黄色葡萄球菌与大肠杆菌的效果均有明显影响(表3)。

    表3 有机物对新洁灵杀菌效果的影响

    Table 3 Influence of organic substance on germicidal efficacy of Xinjieling


    Calf serum




, http://www.100md.com     Average killing rate (%) after exposurec

    for different periods of time (min)










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, 百拇医药









    注:试验温度为26℃。新洁灵溶液含1.0% DDEDB。对照组平均菌数金黄色葡萄球菌为556 000cfu/ml,大肠杆菌为472 000cfu/ml。结果为3次试验平均值。

    Note: The temperature was 26℃. The Xinjieling solution contains 1.0% DDEDB. The average bacterial count of the positive control group was 556 000cfu/ml for S.aureus and 472 000cfu/ml for E.coli. The results are means of 3 tests.
, http://www.100md.com
    2.3.2温度 试验表明,在30~60℃,新洁灵杀菌作用随温度升高而明显增强(表4)。 表4 温度对新洁灵杀菌效果的影响

    Table 3 Influence of temperature on germicidal efficacy of Xinjieling 温度




    Average killing rate (%)



, 百拇医药












, 百拇医药
    注:以含0.167%DDEDB的新洁灵溶液作用5 min。对照组平均菌数金黄色葡萄球菌为478 000cfu/ml,大肠杆菌为563 000cfu/ml。结果为3次试验平均值。

    Note: The exposure time of bacteria to Xinjieling solution containing 0.167% DDEDB was 5min. The average bacterial count of the positive control group was 478 000cfu/ml for S.aureus and 563 000cfu/ml for E.coli. The results are means of 3 tests. 2.4 对HBsAg的破坏作用结果表明,以含0.25%有效成分的新洁灵溶液作用10min,或以含0.167%有效成分者作用20min,均可将悬液中HBsAg抗原性破坏(表5)。

    表5 新洁灵对悬液中HBsAg的破坏作用
, 百拇医药
    Table 5 Destructive effect of Xinjieling on HBsAg in suspension



    of DDEDB



    S/N value after contact for

    different periods of time (min)


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, 百拇医药










    Note: The temperature was 25℃. The S/N value of positive control was 85.6. The results are means of 5 tests.
, 百拇医药
    3 结语

    结果表明,室温下,0.25%新洁灵对金黄色葡萄球菌作用5min,0.50%新洁灵对大肠杆菌作用5min与对白色念珠菌作用10min,杀灭率均达100%。0.25%新洁灵作用10 min,可将悬液中HBsAg抗原性破坏。菌悬液中含5%小牛血清可明显减弱其杀菌效果,温度较高其杀菌作用增强。


    〔1〕王云峰,王有森,白竟玉,等. 消毒技术规范. 北京:卫生部,1991: 84~85.

    〔2〕陈胤忠,袁朝森,胡琳,等. 过氧化氢复方消毒剂杀灭微生物效果的崐实验观察. 中国消毒学杂志, 1998; 15(2): 65.

    (1998-05-24收稿 1998-09-28修回), http://www.100md.com