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http://www.100md.com 《中国医学杂志》 1998年第10期
     作者:陈春富 贾海燕 马焕文 郭述苏 许荣家 李长春

    单位:250031 山东,济南军区总医院神经内科


    中华医学杂志/981017 【摘要】 目的 探讨不同类型痴呆患者血小板及红细胞膜脂质及磷脂的改变。方法 选择Alzheimer病19例、Binswanger病(BD)25例,多发性梗塞性痴呆23例,单发皮质梗塞性痴呆11例,血流动力性痴呆7例,Parkinson′s病痴呆18例,健康对照组25例。分别测定血小板及红细胞膜胆固醇、总磷脂含量及磷脂各组分含量。结果 与对照组比较,BD患者和多发性梗塞性痴呆患者红细胞膜及血小板膜总磷脂、磷脂酰胆碱(PC)、磷脂酰乙醇胺(PE)含量降低,胆固醇、胆固醇与磷脂比值升高,单发皮质梗塞性痴呆患者红细胞膜及血小板膜胆固醇、胆固醇与磷脂比值升高,膜总磷脂及磷脂各组分无明显改变。结论 BD患者和多发性梗塞性痴呆患者血小板、红细胞膜存在磷脂代谢障碍,并与BD患者大脑白质低密度改变有关。
, 百拇医药
    Changes of erythrocyte and platelet membrane lipid pattern in different subtypes of dementia

    Chen Chunfu, Jia Haiyan, Ma Huanwen, et al.

    Department of Neurology, Jinan Military General Hospital, Jinan 250031

    【Abstract】 Objective To investigate the changes of platelet and erythrocyte membrane lipids and phospholipid composition in different types of dementia. Methods There were 19 patients with Alzheimer′s disease, 25 patients with Binswanger′s disease, 23 patients with multi-infarct dementia, 11 patients with single cortical infarct dementia, 7 patients with vascular dementia of haemodynamic type, 18 patients with dementia following Parkinson′s disease, and 25 senile controls. Platelet and erythrocyte membrane cholesterol, total phospholipids and individual phospholipids were quantified. Results When compared with senile controls, the decrease of total phospholipids, phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylethanolamine and the increase of cholesterol and cholesterol/total phospholipids ratio on the erythrocyte and platelet membrane were found in patients with Binswanger′s disease and in those with multi-infarct dementia. The increase of erythrocyte and platelet membrane cholesterol, cholesterol/phospholipids ratio was found, but there was no significant change in membrane total phospholipids and phospholipid composition in patients with single cortical infarct dementia. Conclusion Metabolic disorders of platelet and erythrocyte membrane phospholipids were noted in patients with Binswanger′s disease. These disorders were related to white matter low attenuation.
, 百拇医药
    【Key words】 Dementia Blood platelets Erythrocyte Membrane lipids

    (Natl Med J China, 1998, 78:771-773)




    宾斯旺格病(binswanger disease, BD)患者25例,男21例,女4例,年龄59~72岁(67±8岁),符合Bennett等[1]提出的BD诊断标准;长谷川智力量表(HDS)测试积分8±5;Hachinski's缺血积分表(HIS)测试积分10±2。阿尔茨海默病(alzheimer disease,AD)患者19例,男13例,女6例,年龄63~78岁(69±5岁),诊断依据NINCDS-ADRDA标准,HDS积分7.3±4.9,HIS积分1.4±1.3。多发性梗塞性痴呆(MID)患者23例,男17例,女6例,年龄63~83岁(69±5岁),HDS积分7.6±5.9,HIS积分12±3。单纯皮质梗塞性痴呆(CID)患者11例,男7例,女4例,年龄60~69岁(65±4岁),HDS积分9±4,HIS积分9±3,MID及CID均依DSM-Ⅲ-R标准诊断。血流动力性痴呆(HVD)患者7例,男5例,女2例,年龄61~73岁(65±4岁),符合Erkinjuntti[2]提出的分类标准,HDS积分10±7,HIS积分6.5±2.4。帕金森病(parkinson disease,PD)痴呆患者18例,男17例,女1例,年龄44~89岁(69±14岁),HDS积分7.7±8.1,HIS积分2.7±2.1。上述患者近3个月内无脑卒中病史。对照组25例,男21例,女4例,年龄59~71岁(66±8岁),均排除了神经系统、心血管系统及血液系统疾病。全部受试者检测前一周皆无高脂饮食、大量饮酒史,未服用影响红细胞和血小板功能的药物,均经头颅CT平扫检查,大脑白质低密度(WMLA)影像改变分为0度、轻度、中度和重度[3],依此各痴呆组再分成亚组。
, 百拇医药

    1.膜制备:晨间空腹颈内静脉采血10 ml,肝素抗凝。用6 ml制备红细胞膜悬液,4 ml制备血小板悬液。

    2.膜脂质的抽提:取上述悬液各1 ml,分别加3 ml氯仿∶甲醇(1∶2)液,重复抽提3次,然后定量至5 ml。



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    表1 各组膜脂质成分测定结果( μmol/mg蛋白,±s) 组别
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    注:与对照组比较,* P<0.05,**P<0.01表2 BD组不同程度WMLA患者间膜脂质成分差异(μmol/mg蛋白,±s)
, 百拇医药












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, 百拇医药


    注:与轻度WMLA亚组比较,* P<0.05,**P<0.01


    血浆PS含量太低(<10ng/10 μl),所出色谱峰较小,积分数值重复性差,未做统计分析(表3)。表3 各组血液脂质成分测定结果(mmol/L,±s) 组别



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    注:与对照组比较,* P<0.05,**P<0.01
, 百拇医药
    三、膜脂质成分与相应血脂成分相关分析(表4)。表4 膜脂质与相应血液脂质成分相关性(γ值) 组别











, http://www.100md.com     MID组










, 百拇医药     血小板











, 百拇医药     CID组





    注:与BD组比较,* P<0.05,与MID、CID组比较,**P<0.01讨论

    磷脂是膜脂质双层的主要组成成分,其与血小板及红细胞功能及膜流动性密切相关[7,8]。血小板及红细胞膜磷脂主要包括PS、PC、PE、SM 4种组分,其结构及理化特性各异。本文结果显示,BD患者血小板及红细胞膜TPL、PE、PC显著降低,SM有升高、PS有降低趋势,但后二者无统计学意义,提示BD患者不仅存在膜ch代谢异常,也存在以PE、PC为主的膜磷脂组分代谢障碍。不同程度WMLA的BD患者比较,膜PE、PC、ch/TPL差异均有显著意义,说明这种膜代谢障碍与该型痴呆大脑白质损害有关。尽管本文MID患者红细胞膜也存在上述异常改变,但该组不同程度WMLA患者间膜脂质含量差异无显著性意义,提示该型痴呆患者WMLA改变与血细胞脂质代谢关系不大,而可能是梗塞后的继发性改变。本研究发现,BD患者血浆TC、TG、SM均高于正常对照组,且TC、SM与红细胞、血小板膜相应成分呈正相关,说明血脂异常对膜某些组分的改变仍然具有重要的影响,但也发现BD患者血浆PE、PC并没有明显的改变,提示患者膜PE、PC的下降可能非血浆磷脂异常所致,这一点与膜ch、SM有所不同。考虑到血细胞和血管内皮细胞处于同一代谢环境中,血细胞膜磷脂异常在一定程度上可能反映出血管内皮细胞膜磷脂代谢异常。
, 百拇医药


    1 Bennett DA, Wilson RS, Gilley DW, et al. Clinical diagnosis of Binswanger′s disease. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry, 1990, 53:961-965.
, 百拇医药
    2 Erkinjuntti T, Haltia M, Palo J, et al. Accuracy of the clinical diagnosis of vascular dementia: a prospective clinical and post-mortem neuropathological study. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry, 1988, 51:1037-1049.

    3 Kato H, Sugawara Y, Ito H, et al. White matter lucencies in multi-infarct dementia: a somatosensory evoked potentials and CT study. Acta Neurol Scand, 1990, 81:181-183.

    4 Parekh AC, Jung DH. Cholesterol determination with ferric acetateuranium acetate and sulfuric acid-ferrous sulfate reagents. Anal Chem, 1970, 42:1423-1427.
, 百拇医药
    5 Shafiq-ur-Rehman S. Rapid isocratic method for the separation and quantification of major phospholipid classes by high performance liquid chromatography. J Chromatogr, 1991, 567:29-37.

    6 Lindberg O, Ernster L. Determination of organic phosphorus compounds by phosphate analysis. In: Glick D, ed. Methods of Biochemical Analysis. New York: Interscience Publishers, 1956.1-22.

    7 Caimi G, Presti RL, Montana M, et al. Platelet membrane fluidity and platelet membrane lipid pattern in several clinical conditions. Clin Hemorheol, 1996, 16:177-185.

    8 Van Rensburg SJ, Carstens ME, Potocnik FC, et al. Membrane fluidity of platelets and erythrocytes in patients with Alzheimere′s disease and the effect of small amounts of aluminium on platelet and erythrocyte membranes. Neurochem Res, 1992, 17:825-829.

    (收稿:1998-02-13 修回:1998-05-27), 百拇医药