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http://www.100md.com 2015年2月21日 新医学 2015年第3期
     作者单位: 510080 广州,中山大学附属第一医院妇产科






    通讯作者,陈淑琴, E-mail:chenshuqin1021@163.com


    Study of CRMP-2 in cell migration and non-nervous system-related diseasesFanLi,ChenShuqin.DepartmentofObstetricsandGynecology,theFirstAffiliatedHospitalofSunYat-senUniversity,Guangzhou510080,China


    Abstract【】Collapsin response mediator protein-2(CRMP-2) is a multi-functional regulator protein. CRMP-2 is not only highly expressed in the mammalian nervous system, but also in non-neuronal cells and tissues, such as T lymphocytes, tumor cells and normal epithelial cells. In the nervous system, CRMP-2 plays an important role in promoting the outgrowth of neural axon, maintaining neural cell polarity and neuron migration. In the non-neuronal system, CRMP-2 positively regulates the cytoskeletal arrangement and cell migration of T lymphocytes, negatively interferes the cell migration of tumor cells and participates in tumor cell proliferation via phosphorylation. CRMP-2 is considered as a biomarker and therapeutic target of certain malignant tumors. ......

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