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http://www.100md.com 2016年1月16日 新医学 2015年第3期
     作者单位:510630 广州,中山大学附属第三医院放射科(吴春梅,邹艳,康庄);100037 北京,中国人民解放军海军总医院病理科(宁浩勇)









    MRI manifestations of atypical primary central nervous system lymphoma: three cases reportWuChunmei,ZouYan,KangZhuang,NingHaoyong.TheThirdAffiliatedHospitalofSunYat-senuniversity,Guangzhou510630,China.


    Abstract【】Primary central nervous system lymphoma (PCNSL) is a rare central nervous system tumor. Clinical symptoms and imaging manifestations of a minority of PCNSL patients are similar to those of central nervous system inflammatory demyelinating disease. In this article, the MRI manifestations of three patients with atypical PCNSL were reported. They were initially misdiagnosed with central nervous system inflammatory demyelinating disease. The severity of disease in all patients was alleviated after the initial glucocorticoid treatment. MRI revealed the lesions were reduced in both size and number. However, the disease recurred and was aggravated. MRI revealed that the number and size of the lesions were both increased. Magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging detected that the ratio of the peak values of choline and N-acetyl-l-aspartate exceeded 2.0. The diagnosis of PCNSL was eventually confirmed by brain histopathological biopsy. The severity of disease was stabilized after chemotherapy. It is highly likely to misdiagnose PCNSL with inflammatory demyelinating disease due to atypical clinical symptoms and MRI manifestations, which delays the delivery of treatment. Consequently, the cases presenting with similar manifestations to this study should be highly suspected with PCNSL. Brain pathological biopsy should be performed as soon as possible to confirm the diagnosis. Appropriate treatments should be timely selected. ......

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