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http://www.100md.com 2016年1月18日 新医学 2015年第6期
     作者单位:250031 济南,山东济南军区总医院消化内科








    Research progress in stem cell transplantation in the treatment of liver cirrhosisWuYing,SunZiqin,JiangXueliang,LiuXiaofeng,WangYaojun.DepartmentofGastroenterology,Ji’nanMilitaryGeneralHospital,Ji’nan250031,China


    Abstract【】Hepatic cirrhosis is a common chronic digestive disease in clinical practice, which is the end-stage progression of a variety of liver diseases. Patients with decompensated cirrhosis tend to present with multiple serious complications and may even die. Stem cells are pluripotent cells and have the potential of self-renewing. In recent years, along with the maturity and development of stem cell technique, favorable clinical efficacy has been achieved in the application of stem cell transplantation in treating liver cirrhosis and it has a promising prospect. In this paper, the current situation and research progress of stem cell transplantation in treating liver cirrhosis were elaborated. ......

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