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http://www.100md.com 2018年1月1日 《新医学》 20181


    Mucous epidermoid carcinoma of the vagina: report of one caseLyu Hui Department of Pathology, Wuxi NO2 Peoples Hospital, Wuxi 214002, China

    【Abstract】Primary vaginal mucous epidermoid carcinoma (MEC) is extremely rare Herein, we reported the diagnosis and treatment of one case of primary vaginal MEC She had the chief complaints of vaginal masses for four months which were progressively enlarged for one month After complete examinations, she underwent the resection of vaginal tumors Postoperative pathological examination demonstrated that the malignant tumor tissues mainly consisted of epidermallike cells, mucous cells and intermediate cells Immunohistochemical staining revealed the positive expression of low and highmolecular weight cytokeratin Approximately 20% of the Ki67 was positive The ABPAS staining yielded positive outcomes At postoperative two weeks, she was transferred to another hospital and received brachytherapy and six cycles of auxiliary chemotherapy Subsequent followup revealed the patient was well recovered without recurrence The clinical prognosis of primary MEC is correlated with the pathological classification, clinical staging and involved sites Surgical resection is recommended for a few patients with early primary MEC Radiotherapy remains the primary approach, supplemented with chemotherapy

    【Key words】Vaginal; Mucous epidermoid carcinoma




    患者女,49岁,因发现阴道肿块4个月,进行性增大1个月于2017年4月2日收入院。4个月前患者体检时发现阴道肿块,未有重视,起病以来偶有外阴疼痛不适,无明显外阴瘙痒,自觉肿块近1个月进行性增大,近半个月无明显诱因出现阴道排液,稀薄蛋清样,有腥臭味。为求进一步诊治,遂来我院就诊。患者孕2产1,23岁首产。平素月经尚规律,月经周期25~30 d,持续3~5 d,量中等。末次月经2017年3月20日,持续5 d,量中等。既往体健,无手术史。


    体温365 ℃,脉搏70 次/分,呼吸17 次/分,血压120/80 mm Hg(1 mm Hg=0133 kPa)。胸部、腹部及脊柱等查体无明显异常。妇科检查:外阴已婚已产型,于阴道后壁近处女膜缘处可触及一40 cm×30 cm×25 cm大小肿块,表面光滑,质地中等,边界清,蒂部略粗,无明显压痛。宫颈轻度炎症,口闭,无接触性出血,无举摆痛。子宫体中位,正常大小,无压痛,活动性好。双侧附件无触及明显肿块。


    血常规示血红蛋白144 g/L,白细胞65×109/L,红细胞46×1012/L。癌胚抗原、糖类抗原125、糖类抗原199、糖类抗原153及甲胎蛋白等肿瘤标志物均正常。妇科B超示右侧附件囊性结构,大小约34 mm×29 mm,透声差。, 百拇医药(吕慧)
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