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http://www.100md.com 2022年6月23日 新医学 2022年第6期

    【摘要】 芍倍注射液是一种软化萎缩剂,可用于治疗腋臭,不良反应极少。脂膜炎是累及皮下脂肪层的一类皮肤病。该文报道1例接受芍倍注射术后继发脂膜炎的病例。该例为37岁女性,接受了双侧腋窝芍倍注射术,术后8 d左侧腋窝出现皮下结节,并伴有疼痛,后皮下脂肪发生液化坏死,经切开引流后痊愈,病灶处皮下组织病理学检查示变性坏死的纤维脂肪组织,确诊为脂膜炎。该例提示,虽然芍倍注射液的不良反应极少,但在被用于治疗腋臭时仍有可能引发脂膜炎,芍倍注射术后继发脂膜炎时应充分引流,及时清除病灶。

    【关键词】 腋臭;芍倍注射液;脂膜炎

    A case of axillary osmidrosis developing panniculitis after Shaobei injection Su Junxiu△, Xu Yi, Kang Xu.△The Second Clinical Medical School,Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine,Guangzhou 510006,China

    Corresponding author, Kang Xu, E-mail: Kangxuwf@163.com

    【Abstract】 Shaobei injection is a softening and shrinking agent, which is applied to treat axillary osmidrosis and rarely causes adverse reactions. Panniculitis is a skin disease that involves the subcutaneous fat layer. In this article, one case of panniculitis secondary to Shaobei injection was reported. The 37-year-old female patient developed left-sided subcutaneous nodules complicated with pain at 8 d after Shaobei injection. Subsequently, subcutaneous fat liquefaction and necrosis occurred ......

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