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http://www.100md.com 2023年5月27日 新医学 2023年第5期



    Research progress on treatment of renal anemia in patients with chronic kidney disease Li Yudong△, Liao Wenjian, Luo Yonghang, Chen Qiuyu, Su Yong. △Guangdong Medical University, Zhanjiang 524000, China Corresponding author, Su Yong, E-mail: 13068550199@126.com

    【Abstract】Renal anemia is a prevalent complication of chronic kidney disease (CKD), which severely affects the prognosis of patients. The pathogenesis of renal anemia is complicated, and the core of which is erythropoietin deficiency and iron metabolism disorder. For years, renal anemia has been mainly treated based on erythropoiesis-stimulating and iron agents. Blood transfusion is used as a remedial treatment. Other therapeutic interventions include alleviating malnutrition, supplementing folic acid and vitamin B12 ......

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