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http://www.100md.com 2023年8月24日 新医学 2023年第8期

    【摘要】 呼出气一氧化氮(eNO)作为嗜酸性气道炎症的标志物,在哮喘的诊疗中应用广泛。口呼出气一氧化氮(FeNO)主要反映大气道炎症水平,通过建立肺动力学模型对其进行扩展分析,可以获得一氧化氮参数,有助于更好地了解呼吸道炎症水平。该文回顾近年相关研究,就一氧化氮参数在哮喘治疗中的临床应用价值做一综述,以期为哮喘的评估和管理研究增加新的维度。

    【关鍵词】 呼出气一氧化氮;一氧化氮参数;哮喘;气道炎症

    Clinical value of nitric oxide parameters in children with bronchial asthma Wei Ziqian△, Yilimuguli Abudukeremu, Wu Baojing.△Department of Pediatrics, Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hospital, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou 510120, China

    Corresponding author, Wu Baojing, E-mail: wjing@163.com

    【Abstract】 Exhaled nitric oxide (eNO), as a marker of eosinophilic inflammation in the airway, has been widely utilized in the diagnosis and treatment of asthma. The fractional concentration of exhaled NO (FeNO) mainly reflects the degree of airway inflammation. By establishing a pulmonary dynamic model for extended analysis, nitric oxide parameters can be obtained ......

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