[摘 要] 为调动自身调节机制--经络对全身各系统的调节机能,在消除病变、改善皮肤与内脏代谢 的过程中,使皮肤变白、变细、光泽、红润,充满活力。在经络环上相关穴位的表皮上接力 挑刺,产生快速高效的结果。近万例的实践证明,本法对许多慢性病、疑难病有较高疗效, 并在治病同时收到美容效果。
[主题词] 挑治/方法;面部皮肤病/治疗
Establishment of Pricking T herapy on Cutaneous Regions of Meridian Rings and Its Medical Beautifying Action
Li Dingzhong,Li Xiuzhang (Beij ing Municipal Sixth Hospital,Beijing 100 007)
[Abstract] Purpose To introduce est ablishment of pricking therapy on cutane o us regions of meridian rings and its med ical beautifying action. Methods Relay pricking w a s conducted on epiderm of relative acupo ints of meridian rings.Results Clinical practic e in near 10 thousand of patients has pr oved that the therapy has higher therape u tic effect on many chronic,difficult and complicated disesases,and at the same t ime,it improves looks.Conclusion Pricking ther a py on cutaneous regions of meridian ring s has the action of treating disease and improving looks.
[Key words] Pricking The ra py/method;Facial Dermatoses/ther;Improvi ng Looks
1 疗法的创建
经络环皮部挑治法的创建首先是经络环的发现 ......
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