(北京中医药大学,北京100029)[摘 要] "百病皆生于气也",治病应以顺应脏腑升降出入之性为立法的基本原则。探讨了任脉穴治疗气虚、气滞、气陷、气逆等各种气机失调病症,提出"任脉主气"的理论。
[主题词] 任脉/生理学;任脉病证/针灸疗法;气;理气
Exploration and Clinical Application of the Theory of "the Concept ion Vessel Controlling Vatal Energy"
Liu Qin,Wu Chongsheng,Li X uewu(Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Pharmacy,Beijing 100029)
[Abstract] The present p aper probes into acupoints of the Conception Vessel for treatment of Qi-deficiency,Qi-stagnation,Qi collapse,reversed flow of Qi and other diseases and syndromes due to disturbance of functional activities of Qi,and puts forward the theory of the Conception Vessel controlling vital energy.
[Key words] Conception V essel;Conception Vessel diseases;Qi(Vital energy);Regulating Qi
气是人体生命之源,人以气为本 ......
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