刘晓燕1 陶惠宁2(1.北京针灸骨伤学院针灸系,100102;2.日本顺天堂大学大学院 113-8421)
[摘 要] 简单回顾了日本针灸教育的历史沿革,从教学机构、学生来源、入学考试、课程设置、 使用教材、教学方式、师资力量、国家考试、毕业去向等方面详细介绍了现在日本针灸教育 的状 况,认真分析了日本针灸教育持续升温的几个主要原因,如广阔的老人市场、稳定的经济收 入、诱人的国家资格、独立开业的可能等,指出日本的针灸教育重视法制法规教育,规范师 资培养等措施有可供我们借鉴学习之处,同时也提出了过于注重国家考试,而专业教学不足 、实习机会缺乏等缺陷应引起我们的重视。
[主题词] 教育,针灸 日本
The Current Situation and Problems of Acupuncture-Moxibustion Educ ation in Japan
Liu Xiaoyan1,Tao Huining2(1.The Acupuncture Dept.of Beij ing College of Acupuncture & Orthopedics ,2.Dept.of Medical History, School of Medicine of Juntendo Universi ty,Japan)
[Abstract] The authors gives a brief review on the history and development of acupuncture e ducation in Japan.They present a detaile d discussion on the current situation of Japanese acupuncture education from the following aspects:Educational organizat ion,student sources,entrance examination ,curricular setting,teaching materials,w ays of education,qualities of teachers,n ational examination,and students employ ment after graduation.They also provide extensive analysis why acupuncture becom es more and more popular in Japan.The ma in reasons include a large amount of age d patients,stable income,national acupun cturist license,possibility of opening i ndividual clinics,etc.The authors point out that the emphasis of rules and laws on acupuncture education in Japan and st andardisation of teachers in-service tr aining will be very valuable in Chinese acupuncture education.But at the same ti me,the authors warn that we should avoid some o bjections that Japanese acupuncture educ ation overemphasises the national examin ation,but the authors do not pay suffici ent att ention to the teaching of acupuncture an d moxibustion and clinical practice. ......
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