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“甲角”穴治疗中风偏瘫上肢 手指拘挛的疗效观察
http://www.100md.com 2001年4月1日 《中国针灸》 2001年第4期



    Observation on Therapeutic Effect of Acupuncture at "Jiajiao" Point on Finger Contracture of the Upper Limb in the Patient of Hemiplegia due to ApoplexyLi Yong,Wu Siping(Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Guangzhou 50120)

    [Abstract]PurposeTo observe the therapeutic effect of acupuncture at "Jiajiao" point on finger contracture of the upper limb in the patient of hemiplegia due to apoplexy.MethodsAcupuncture of "Jiajiao" point was used for treatment of the finger contracture of the upper limb and the therapeutic effect was observed.ResultsOf 147 cases treated,57 cases were markedly effective,76 cases were improved,7 cases were effective and 7 cases were ineffective.ConclusionAcupuncture of "Jiajiao" point has obvious improving action on contracture of the finger of the upper limb in the patient of hemiplegia due to stroke. ......

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