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http://www.100md.com 2001年5月1日 《中国针灸》 2001年第5期


    [摘 要] 《针灸学》六版教材与五版、四版比较,有改进的一面,但也有不足之处。如“经络腧穴篇”里十二经脉的“是动”、“所生病”不应删去;“刺灸篇”中“水针疗法”的具体使用方法不够清楚;穴位埋线疗法不应删去,因其临床疗效好,常为中西药物所不及;治疗篇中有的不是针灸特色的病如肺痨、疔疮、水肿等可删去,而有的如颈椎病、肩周炎、坐骨神经痛、呃逆、面肌痉挛等可增附于相关的病症后。

    [主题词] 教材;针灸学

    Discussion on“Acupuncture and Moxibustion Science” Teaching Materials of the 6th Edition

    Sun Lijuan(Longhua Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Pharmacy,200032)

    [Abstract] “Acupuncture and Moxibustion Science”teaching materials of the 6th edition has some improvement and has some disadvanteges as compared with the 4th and 5th editions.For example,in the chapter“Channels and Acupoints”,meridian diseases and primary diseases of Zang and Fu organs should not be deleted;In the chapter“Acupuncture and Moxibustion”,concret methods of hydroacupuncture therapy are inadequately clear;Acupoint catgut embedding therapy should not be deleted,as its therapeutic effect is good and generally the effect is better than that of Chinese herbs and Western medicine;In the chapter“Therapy”,some diseases such as impairment of the lung caused by overstrain,furuncle,edema,etc.which are not very effective for acupuncture and moxibustion can be deleted,and scapulohumeral periarthritis,sciatica,hiccup,facial mascular spasm,etc.can be added. ......

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