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http://www.100md.com 2002年12月1日 《中国针灸》 2002年第12期
     [摘 要] 以针灸治疗胃十二指肠溃疡和围绝经期综合征为例,看体质学说及植物神经平衡的综合指标测定法在针灸治疗中的应用。分析结果表明,体质-植物神经功能状态与针灸治疗有较为密切的关系。针灸临床,尤其是小型针灸诊所可将植物神经测定作为体质分类及辨证分型的参考依据。由于针灸对植物神经的调整作用亦是对体质的调整,所以针灸疗法不仅具有治疗疾病的作用,还可以预防疾病,并且预防疾病的复发。

    [主题词] 体质学说;自主神经系统;针灸效应

    See Effects of Acupuncture and Moxibustion from Functional States of th e Vegetative Nerves

    Zhu Jiang, Ma Huifang, Fu Ping, et al. (College of Acupunc ture and Moxibustion, Beijing University of TCM, Beijing 100029, China)

    [Abstract] With acupuncture and moxibustion treatment o f gastroduodenal ulcer and climacterium as samples, see application of physical constitu tion theory and determination methods of comprehensive indexes for vegetative ne rvous balance in acupuncture and moxibustion treatment, and analysis of results i ndicates that physical consititute-vegetative nervous functional states are mo re closely related with acupuncture and moxibustion therapy. Thus, In clinical a c upuncture and moxibustion treatment, especially, in small acupuncture and moxibu stion clinic, determination of vegetative nervous functions can be adopted as the basis of classification of constitution and typing of syndrome different iation. Because acupuncture and moxibustion have the regulative actions on veget ative nerves as well as constitution, acupuncture and moxibustion therapy can no t only treat diseases, and also can prevent recurrence of diseases.

    [Key words] Physical Constitution Theory; Autonomic Ner vous System; Acupuncture Effects


    1 植物神经平衡的综合指标测定法

    笔者常常将植物神经平衡的综合指标测定法(简称:植物神经测定)[2]应用于针灸临床治疗中。该法操作简便,能够迅速得出结果,可以初步反映交感及副交感神经的功能状态。具体方法是在治疗前后分别测量患者的坐位血压,11次呼吸所需要的时间,21次脉搏所需时间,舌下温度,3分钟唾液分泌量。将唾液量定为X1,收缩压定为X2,舒张压定为X3,2次脉搏间隔时间定为X4,2次呼吸间隔时间定为X5,体温定为X6。所测结果代入回归方程式进行计算(y=-28-0.195×X1+ 0.031×X2+0.025×X3-0.792×X4-0.131×X5+0.649×X6)。根据所得y值的大小判断植物神经功能所处的不同状态,如y值在-0.56至+0.56之间为正常;y值>0.56为交感神经功能增强,>1.1为交感神经功能亢进;y, http://www.100md.com(朱 江 马惠芳 付 平 梁 军 金春兰)