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http://www.100md.com 2008年7月1日 《中国针灸》 2008年第7期

    中图分类号:R 246.2 文献标志码:A

    [摘 要] 目的:调查影响腰背痛患者到针灸科求治的因素并观察针灸治疗腰背痛的初期疗效。方法:将45例腰背痛患者采用叙述性研究方法,通过问卷形式了解患者到针灸科求治的原因。针灸取穴以肾俞、大肠俞、命门、腰阳关为主,治疗1、2次,以治疗前后疼痛、烦恼评分和欧氏失能指数(ODI)评价其初期临床疗效。结果 :推荐(12例, 26.7%)、相信中医(10例, 22.2%)、医院品牌(6例,13.3%)、医生口碑(5例, 11.1%)是患者到针灸科求治的主要原因。治疗后ODI、疼痛评分和烦恼评分分别为11.0±7.3、5.0±1.9、4.8±2.1,与治疗前12.6±7.7、6.5±1.8、6.7±2.1比较,差异均有显著性意义(均P0.05)。结论:医院、医生的良好信誉,中医针灸的良好口碑是患者求治于针灸的主要外在因素,针灸治疗腰背痛的初期疗效与病人的预期值一致。
, 百拇医药
    [关键词] 腰痛/针灸疗法;背痛/针灸疗法;因素分析,统计学;针灸疗法/统计学和数值数据

    Survey of factors of the patient with lumbago seeking for acupuncture treatment and observation on the therapeutic effect of acupuncture at early days

    HE Jing1, Ernest Volinn2, ZHAO Yu1, LI Jia1 (1.Rehabilitation Acupuncture andmoxibustion Center, Huaxi Hospital of Sichuan University, Chengdu 610041, China;2.Pain Research Center, Judas University, USA)
, 百拇医药
    ABSTRACT:Objective To explore factors of the patient with lumbago seeking for acupuncture treatment and to observe the therapeutic effect of acupuncture at early days.methods The factors of the patient with lumbago seeking for acupuncture treatment were investigated by questionnaire in 45 cases of lumbago.The patients enrolled were treated by acupuncture andmoxibustion for 1-2 sessions with Shenshu (BL 23), Dachangshu (BL 25),mingmen (GV 4), Yaoyangguan (GV 3) selected.Changes of pain, restlessness score and ODI before and after treatment were used for assessment of clinical therapeutic effect at early days.Results Recommendation (12 cases, 26.7%), believing Chinesemedicine (10 cases, 22.2%), reputation of hospital (6 cases, 13.3%), public praise of doctors (5 cases, 11.1%) weremain causes for the patient with lumbago seeking for acupuncture treatment.ODI, pain score and restlessness score were 11.0±7.3, 5.0±1.9, 4.8±2.1 after treatment and 12.6±7.7, 6.5±1.8, 6.7±2.1 before treatment, respectively, with significant differences before and after treatment (all P0.05).Conclusion Good reputation of hospital and doctors, and good public praise of acupuncture andmoxibustion aremain external factors for the patient with lumbago seeking for acupuncture treatment, and the therapeutic effect of acupuncture andmoxibustion on lumbago at early days is identical to the patient′s expectation.
, 百拇医药
    KEY WORDS:Low Back Pain/am ther;Back Pain/am ther;Factor Analysis, Statistical;Acupuncture-Moxibustion/statist

    腰背痛是临床常见的症状综合征,是造成人们工作能力下降和生活质量降低的重要原因之一。欧美国家的腰背痛病人常常到骨科、神经科、康复科和疼痛科就诊。我国的腰背痛患者除了到上述科室就诊外,还有很大一部分人求治于针灸疗法。西方国家的研究者逐渐意识到用镇痛药对症处理腰背痛,不但医疗费用逐年升高,而且易成瘾,胃肠道反应和男性荷尔蒙减少等副反应越来越值得高度关注。所以,一些国外研究者开始关注针灸治疗腰背痛的疗效以及相关因素[1]。腰背痛的临床调查有助于确定患者的求治原因和疗效影响因素,从而有效地指导腰背痛的治疗。四川大学华西医院康复针灸中心和美国犹他大学疼痛研究中心Ernest Volinn教授合作,于2007年9月—10月对到华西医院针灸科求治的腰背痛患者进行临床调查,现报告如下。

    1 一般资料

    本研究采用叙述性研究,对符合纳入条件的受试者进行调查。纳入条件:腰骶臀部等解剖部位出现疼痛症状,伴有或不伴有下肢的症状[2],包括:①非特异性腰背痛:引起疼痛的具体病理部位不能十分肯定,涵盖了腰肌劳损、肌纤维织炎、肌筋膜炎等急慢性腰部病变的各种诊断;②根性腰背痛:又称坐骨神经痛,多数由椎间盘突出引起症状。排除标准:①年龄小于20岁、大于64 岁者;②做过背部手术、脊椎骨折、孕妇、脊椎肿瘤、结核等特异性下背痛患者。本研究共纳入了45例患者,其中男21例,女24例;年龄(40.4±11.1)岁;体质指数22.3±3.0;工作强度4.5±2.5(以0 代表根本不需任何体力,10 代表需要非常强的体力)。, 百拇医药(何 竟 Ernest Volinn 赵 雨 李 佳)
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