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http://www.100md.com 2007年12月1日 史 琼 樊嘉禄


     【摘要】 目的 探讨音乐系统脱敏疗法对消除或缓解大学生交流恐惧的有效性和可行性,为有效干预大学生交流恐惧提供方法学资料。方法 将24名高交流恐惧者在校大学生随机等分为实验组和对照组,对12名实验组成员进行音乐系统脱敏;实验前后分别测量交流恐惧自陈量表(PRCA-24)、演讲者信心自评量表(PRCS)、惧怕否定评价量表(FNE)和羞怯量表(Shyness Scale),并对实验前后实验组、对照组的各项评定结果进行比较;采用自编主观评价问卷检验实验组成员对音乐系统脱敏疗法的满意程度。结果 经音乐系统脱敏后,实验组成员除FNE量表平均分实验前后差异无统计学意义外,其余各测量指标差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05),音乐系统脱敏自我评价呈满意趋势。结论 音乐系统脱敏疗法对消除或缓解大学生交流恐惧是有效的、可行的。

    【关键词】 脱敏作用,心理学;音乐疗法;交流障碍;结果评价(卫生学)

    【中图分类号】 R 179 R 395.6 【文献标识码】 A 【文章编号】 1000-9817(2007)12-1074-02

    Impact Evaluation of Music Desensitization on Dispelling Communication Apprehension of Undergraduates/SHI Qiong,FAN Jia-lu. College of Humantities and Social Science,Anhui Medical University,Hefei(230032),China

    【Abstract】 Objective To discuss the validity and feasibility of music desensitization for dispelling the communication apprehension of undergraduates,and to provide methodological evidence for the intervention against communication apprehension. Methods 24 undergraduates with high level communication apprehension were randomly selected and divided into two groups: the experimental group and the control group. The experimental group was trained using music desensitization. PRCA-24,PRCS,FNE and Shyness Scale were tested before and after the treatment respectively,and the results were compared with each corresponding issues between the two groups. The satisfaction of the experimental group for music desensitization was also investigated by using a self-designed questionnaire. Results After the treatment of music desensitization,the experimental group significantly improved on the scale indices except the average score of FNE(P<0.05). The self-estimation of music desensitization showed the evidence of satisfaction. Conclusion Music desensitization is effective and feasible to dispel or treat the communication apprehension of undergraduates

    【Key words】 Desensitization,psychologic;Music therapy;Communication disorders;Outcome assessment(Health care)

    交流恐惧(communication apprehension,CA)是一种对与真实的或想象的他人交流时产生的个人恐惧或焦虑[1]。目前,大学生中有部分同学具有高度的交流恐惧,并因此影响其生活适应、学习潜能的发挥、学习成绩,甚至心理健康水平[2]。国外学者曾对交流恐惧产生的原因进行研究,提出了一些相关理论,“过分激活原理”是其中较有影响力的理论之一,即当一个人进行交流活动时,生理反应会相应增加,当生理反应持续增强超出控制时,就会因过分激活而出现记忆模糊、呼吸短促等现象。针对过分激活原理,系统脱敏疗法是已被证明的消解交流恐惧的有效方法[3]

    音乐系统脱敏疗法(music desensitization therapy)是一种行为学派的音乐疗法 ......
