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【摘要】 目的 编制适合中国国情的留守儿童交往问题诊察量表,并对其进行信度和效度检验,为留守儿童交往问题诊察研究提供测评工具。方法 采用自编的留守儿童交往问题诊察量表,对江西省万安县295名初中和小学留守学生进行调查。结果 因素分析结果表明,包含3个因子的儿童交往问题诊察量表可以解释总体方差的53.57%,表明结构效度较高;3个分量表与总量表的相关系数在0.464~0.855之间,表明内容效度较高;分量表之间的相关系数在0.198~0.554之间,低于与总分之间的相关,表明结构效度较高;总量表及3个分量表的α系数分别为0.888,0.808,0.847,0.656,Spearman-Brown 分半信度为0.820,0.741,0.757,0.622,表明信度指标较高。结论 儿童交往问题诊察量表的信度和效度指标较好,可作为国内中小学生留守儿童交往问题研究的有效测评工具。
【关键词】 人际关系;精神状态评定量表;因素分析,统计学;儿童
【中图分类号】 R 179 R 395.6 B 841.7 【文献标识码】 A 【文章编号】 1000-9817(2007)12-0-0
Inventory of Intercommunications of Left-behind Children and Its Validity and Reliability/ZHANG De-qian. Department of Psychology,Jinggangshan University,Ji'an(343009),Jiangxi Province,China
【Abstract】 Objective To develop Inventory of Intercommunications of Left-behind Children and to test the validity and reliability,in order to provide instrument for the research on their intercommunications. Methods A total of 295 pupils and students in grade 4 to 9 were surveyed by using the self-compiled Inventory of intercommunications of Left-behind children in Wan County in Jiangxi Province. Results Factors analysis results indicated that the scale included three factors,i.e. less parental care,departure of intercommunication behavior and compensating of parental care. The three factors could explain 53.57% of total scale variances,which showed high validity in structure. The correlated coefficients between total scale and three subscales were between 0.464-0.855,which showed good validity in content. The correlated coefficients between three subscales ranged 0.198-0.544,which was lower than the former,and showed high validity in construction of the scale. Cronbach's α coefficient of total and subscales were 0.888,0.808,0.847 and 0.656,Spearman-Brown split coefficient were 0.820,0.741,0.757 and 0.622,respectively,which revealed that the scale had high reliability. Conclusion The inventory demonstrates high reliability and validity and it can be applied as the effective instrument for Intercommunications of Left-behind Children in China.
【Key words】 Interpersonal relations;Psychiatric status rating scales;Factor analysis,statistical;Child
留守儿童,指父母一方或双方流动到其他地区,孩子留在户籍所在地并因此不能和父母双方共同生活在一起的14周岁以下的儿童。有关统计资料显示,目前,全国农村“留守儿童”已达2 000万人之多,且随着农村劳动力的转移呈上升趋势。由于留守儿童缺乏来自父母和完全家庭的亲情呵护,一定程度上造成这些儿童在思想道德、心理健康,尤其是家庭教育等方面的严重断层或缺位[1] ......