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【摘要】 目的 了解山东省城市学生饮食行为及其影响因素,为开展营养健康教育、制定营养干预措施提供依据。方法 利用“2008年全国青少年健康危险行为调查”中的山东省部分城市学生资料,分析11 148名大、中学生的饮食行为。结果 山东省城市学生在过去7 d内每天吃早餐的为67.23%,每天喝牛奶的为26.88%;不良饮食行为报告率分别为:频繁喝软饮料2.17%,频繁吃甜点心17.79%,频繁吃西式快餐0.83%,偏食39.62%。各种饮食行为报告率有明显的性别、学校类型及家庭类型差异。结论 山东省青少年饮食行为现状不容乐观。应加强青少年合理膳食健康教育,帮助其形成良好的饮食习惯和行为。
【关键词】 饮食习惯;危险行为;对比研究;青少年;城市
【中图分类号】 G 479 R 155.1 【文献标识码】 A 【文章编号】 1000-9817(2010)10-1170-03
Dietary Behavior and Influential Factor Analysis among Urban Adolescents in Shandong Province/WEI Xia, YANG Yu-lin, YAN Jing-yi, et al. Shandong Provincial Center for Disease Prevention and Control, Jinan(250014), China
【Abstract】 Objective To analyze the dietary behavior and influencing factors among urban adolescents in Shandong Province, and to provide the scientific basis for nutrition health education and the formulation of nutrition intervention measures. Methods Totally 11 148 urban adolescents were analyzed from the data of Shandong "2008 national survey of adolescent health risk behavior". Results The rate of eating breakfast and drinking milk every day in the past 7 days was 67.23% and 26.88%, respectively. The rate of self-reported unhealthy behavior was 2.17% for drinking soft drinks frequently, 17.79% for eating sweet dessert frequently, 0.83% for eating fast-food frequently, and 39.62% were picky about food. Each kind of dietary behavior report rate had significant difference by gender, school type and family type. Conclusion The present dietary behavior of urban adolescent among Shandong is not satisfactory. The popularization and education of reasonable diet knowledge should be strengthened, and pay more attention to the prevention unhealthy behavior to help forming healthy behavior.
【Key words】 Food habits; Dangerous behavior; Comparative study; Adolescent; Cities
1 对象与方法
1.1 对象 采用分层随机整群抽样方法,按山东省各市经济发展水平分别抽取经济较发达、中等发达和欠发达的3个城市作为监测城市,以各市区现有的学校名单作为一级抽样框架,随机抽到班级名单作为二级抽样框架,以抽到的班级为单位进行无记名问卷调查。每个监测城市随机抽取初中、高中、职业学校和大学各2~6所,保证每个监测城市的初中生、高中生各不少于1 200人 ......