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【摘要】 目的 了解健康教育课开课情况不同的学校学生健康相关知识、态度、行为状况,评价东城区学校健康教育的效果。方法 采用分层随机整群抽样方法,从东城区独立开设和未独立开设健康教育课学校中,分别抽取1 699名和326名小学生,使用自编结构式调查问卷进行调查,比较2组学生得分情况。结果 独立开设健康教育课的学生健康知识水平高于未上课的学生(及格率62.7%>41.7%),刷牙、吃蔬菜等健康行为的执行率也高于未独立上课的学生。结论 要以健康教育课为主要途径开展学校健康教育,提高学生的健康知识水平,促进学生健康行为的形成。
【关键词】 健康知识,态度,实践;健康教育;结果评价(卫生保健);学生
【中图分类号】 G 479 【文献标识码】 A 【文章编号】 1000-9817(2010)10-1172-02
Impact of Health Education on Pupils of Dongcheng District in Beijing/SHI Xiao-yan, PAN Yong-ping, GAO Ai-yu, et al. Dongcheng Institute of Students Health Care, Beijing(100007), China
【Abstract】 Objective To find out the effect of school health education in Dongcheng District comparing the health related knowledge, attitude and practice among the schools which adopt the different health education model. Methods The self-designed constructive questionnaire was sent out in the whole class. The research was completed by the self-report of the students. Results The level of health related knowledge in the students receiving health education(62.7%) was higher than the students not receiving health education(41.7%). The performing rate of the healthy practice among the upper school was higher than the latter. Conclusion The school health education can be developed through all kinds of approaches including the health education class in order to improve the level of health related knowledge, and to promote the healthy behaviors among the pupils and students.
【Key words】 Health knowledge, attitudes, practice; Health education; Outcome assessment(health care); Students
1 对象与方法
1.1 对象 依据学校是否独立开设健康教育课,将北京市东城区小学分为2类:独立开课(两周1课时或每学期5课时);未独立开设健康教育课。采用分层随机整群抽样方法,从2类学校中分别选择15所,3所作为调查学校;每所调查学校选择四年级、五年级各2个班的学生作为调查对象。共发放问卷2 050份,收回有效问卷2 025份,有效回收率为98.8%。其中四、五年级分别为981人,1 044人,分别占调查总人数的48.4%,51.6%;男、女生分别占调查总人数的52.4%,47.6%。独立开设健康教育课的学生有1 699人,占调查总人数的83.9%,未独立开课的学生占16.1%。
1.2 方法及内容 依据《中小学生健康教育基本要求》,根据北京教育科学研究院编制的《健康教育》,自编结构式调查问卷,采用以班级为单位统一发放、统一收回,学生不记名自填的方式。调查内容包括:健康相关知识、态度、行为以及学生对健康课的态度。调查涉及健康知识的题目共14题,每答对1题得1分,将各题得分相加得健康知识总分(ZF),满分为14分 ......