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【摘要】 目的 了解广东农村学校饮用水与厕所卫生状况,探索改进农村学校改水改厕工作策略。方法 采用实地观察、问卷调查、现场访谈、水质监测等调查方法,在广东省随机抽取6个县(市、区),每县(市、区)选择10所学校为调查点;每学校抽取校领导及教师5~6名为小组访谈对象,抽取30~50名学生为问卷调查对象。共调查60所学校,小组访谈359人,调查1 912名学生。结果 73.3%的学校采用集中式供水,26.7%的学校为独立供水;30.0%的学校饮用水不合格。学生饮水54.8%从家中自带,25.9%由学校提供,5.6%喝生水。25.9%的学校厕所为旱厕;1所学校的厕所为鱼塘边塔建的水厕;30.0%的学校没有教师专用厕所;31.7%的厕所没有专用洗手设施;16.9%的厕所粪池无盖;厕所粪便17.2%直接排入河塘,1.6%用土掩埋。所有学校供水水源从未消毒处理和卫生检测,缺乏保护性措施;部分小学厕所蹲位数严重不足,学生有随地大小便现象;旱厕、坑式或露天式厕所对环境污染影响较大。结论 广东省农村学校饮用水和厕所均存在卫生安全隐患。需加大力度改进农村学校尤其是贫困地区村级小学的改水改厕工作。
【关键词】 饮水;卫生用具和设备;卫生保健提供;组织和管理;学生保健服务
【中图分类号】 G 478.1 R 123.5 【文献标识码】 A 【文章编号】 1000-9817(2010)10-1234-03
Investigation and Strategy on Drinking Water Quality and Public Latrine Sanitation Conditions of Rural Schools in Guangdong/NIE Shao-ping, XU Yan-jun, MA Wen-jun, et al. Center for Disease Prevention and Control of Guangdong Province, Guangzhou(510300), China
【Abstract】 Objective To understand basic sanitation conditions of drinking water quality and latrines in rural schools so as to explore the strategy for the improvement of water and latrine sanitation. Methods Sixty schools were selected from six counties through random sampling. Five or six leaders or teachers were selected as visit object, 30-50 student were selected as questionnaire investigation object in each school .The study methods included questionnaire investigation, visit face to face and water quality surveillance. There were 60 schools, 359 teachers, 912 students were investigated. Results About 73.3% schools supplied central water, 26.7% schools supplied non-central water. There were 30% drinking water were disqualification. 54.8% drinking water of students were taken from home, 25.9% were provided by schools, 5.6% students drunk raw water. 25.9% schools were dry latrines; one school was aqua privy established along fishpond; 30% schools had no toilet used specially for teachers; 31.7% toilets had no special hand-washing facilities; 16.9% toilets had no covers; 17.2% dejecta were put into river directly, 1 ......