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http://www.100md.com 2010年7月1日 《大众健康·学术版》 20107


    The primary low skull presses the syndrome 1 example error diagnostic

    Guo Rui

    【Abstract】The primary low skull presses the syndrome saying that the spontaneous low skull presses the syndrome, is refers to the side decubitus waist to put on the cerebrospinal fluid pressure is smaller than 70mmH2O group of rare syndromes, the typical symptom is with the body posture relations obvious headache, may be accompanied by the dizziness, vomitive, the dysphrenia, the autonomic nerve symptom and so on, its reason to be unclear, prognosis is favorable.

    【Key words】Low skull pressure; Headache; Regards the thing to be fuzzy


    原发性低颅压综合症又称自发性低颅压综合症,是指侧卧位腰穿脑脊液压力小于70mmH2O的一组少见症候群,典型症状是与与体位关系明显的头痛,可伴有眩晕、呕吐、精神障碍、自主神经症状等、其原因不明,预后良好,但很容易误诊 ......

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