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http://www.100md.com 2010年8月1日 《大众健康·学术版》 20108
     【摘要】本文主要综述了高血糖毒性,低血糖及持续的血糖波动与糖尿病并发症的关系和防治的最新进展。(1)高血糖毒性的持续性危害、代谢记忆效应理论的提出和糖尿病的早诊断、早期强化治疗。(2)低血糖可能与心血管风险增加相关,可导致神经缺糖性损害,导致胰岛β细胞功能衰竭。(3)血浆葡萄糖水平不稳定所引起的生物效应对糖尿病慢性并发症危险性的作用远远超过血糖绝对水平的作用。(4)控制血糖波动可通过饮食治疗、定量运动治疗 、心理治疗、药物治疗等措施达到。


    Diabetes complication prevention and early and steady blood sugar control

    Huang Biqin

    【Abstract】This article mainly summarized the hyperglycemia toxicity, the blood sugar fluctuation which and diabetes complication relations and the prevention newest progress the hypoglycemia and continues. (1) hyperglycemia toxic endurance harm, metabolism memory effect theory statement with diabetes’ diagnosis, early strengthening treatment early. (2) the hypoglycemia is possible and the cardiovascular risk increases related, may cause the nerve to lack the sugar harm, causes the island of langerhans Beta cell function failure. (3) the blood plasma glucose level does not stabilize the biological effect which causes to the diabetes chronic complication risky function to go far beyond the blood sugar absolute level the function. (4) controls the blood sugar fluctuation to be possible through measures and so on diet treatment, quota movement treatment, mental healing, pharmacological treatment to achieve. ......
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