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http://www.100md.com 2010年9月1日 《大众健康·学术版》 20109


    after before 1 example four limbs send the uarthritis tubercle patient technique, the technique, nurses

    Huang Shunyu

    【Abstract】The uarthritis is middle and old aged masculine common disease, because the partial patients the diagnosis not prompt or the medicine cannot the active control uarthritis’s development, causes the uarthritis stone to deposit Yu Shou, the foot and the joint, affects the function and artistic. The uarthritis is a group of purine metabolic disorder result disease, is in vivo purine metabolic anomalies causes in blood’s uric acid stack, causes the ticulare synovial membrane to stimulate the inflammation.

    【Key words】Uarthritis; Diet; After before the technique, technique, nurses


    痛风是中老年男性的常见病,部分患者由于诊断不及时或药物不能有效控制痛风的发展,使痛风结石沉积于手、足和关节,影响功能和美观 ......

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