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http://www.100md.com 2007年8月1日 《人人健康·医学导刊》 2007年第8期

    【关键词】内镜下经皮胃造瘘术 假性球麻痹 吸入性肺炎

    Be endoscope bottom by skin stomach fistulation prevention and cure falseball to paralyze lead aspiration pneumonitis that inhalationof matching and nursing

    Yang XianglingDu BinWang XingLiu Aijun

    【Abstract】Objective:The decrease false ball to paralyze sufferer again and again the aspiration pneumonitis occurrence.Method:to 15 empress the brain accident the false ball to paralyze sufferer is at the narco-part direct-view endoscope bottom by skin stomach fistulation .Result:15 sufferer all wear to stab to place a tube success, don't the occurrence be strict Heavy complications, aspiration pneumonitis be obvious to get an improvement.Conclusion:The PEG is obvious decrease brain empress the accident the false ball to paralyze aspiration Pneumonia.

    【Keywords】Be endoscope bottom by skin stomach fistulation false ball to paralyze aspiration pneumonitis

    球麻痹是因舌肌、软腭、咽喉肌功能失调所出现的言语及吞咽功能障碍 ......

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