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http://www.100md.com 2008年4月1日 《人人健康·医学导刊》 2008年第4期



    Abdominal surgery period of health education

    LIU Xuezhi

    【Abstract】Objective: To explore the abdominal surgery patients Perioperative education and health effects of education, how to do a good job in health education. Method: one-on-one of the nurses and patients asked about methods to assess the psychological status of patients and educational needs, in the perioperative patients and their accompanying relatives to the targeted diseases and surgical education, psychological guidance, coordination and self-care guide. Results: health education, improving the patients and their relatives and friends of diseases and surgery of awareness, improved mental state, mastered the basic self-care and support methods. Conclusion: do a good job in abdominal surgery patients perioperative health education, the reduction of complications after abdominal surgery patients, and promote an early recovery has a very important significance.  ......
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