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http://www.100md.com 2008年4月1日 《人人健康·医学导刊》 2008年第4期



    Improve the teaching effectiveness of secondary pathology practice

    HU Xiaomei

    【Abstract】Study the disease pathology is the essence of science is the foundation between medicine and clinical medicine an important bridge between the disciplines. However, the current pathology teaching in the many problems have a serious impact on teaching effectiveness, the author adopted: to break the traditional theory courses and experimental class strict demarcation line between the effective integration of the experimental class to class in theory; vigorously use modern teaching Means to enhance classroom teaching capacity and efficiency of knowledge; improve the professional quality of teachers, enhance the effectiveness of teaching; improvement of teaching methods, improve their observation and analysis of the ability to reform the examination form, raising the consciousness of students. Received a good teaching results.  ......
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