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http://www.100md.com 2008年4月1日 《人人健康·医学导刊》 2008年第4期


    Quality of care link sections of control

    YANG Zhenjin JIANG Xiaojian LIU Shan

    【Abstract】Objective: To explore an effective method of quality control department links improve the quality of nursing care to ensure safety. Method: nursing work in all key links in the comprehensive implementation of sustainable management of the quality of care. Results: strengthening the nursing staff safety awareness and standardize the services, improve the overall level of care. Conclusion: The sustainability of the quality control department links, is to ensure that the quality of nursing care and an important guarantee for security. 

    【Key words】Lnk quality control department; Practice;Results

    质量管理已成为21世纪医院护理管理的主题 ......

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