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http://www.100md.com 2008年5月1日 《人人健康·医学导刊》 2008年第5期


    Before 85 examples technique tradition technique, endures the drinking water to the patient the influence and the nursing observation


    【Abstract】The picking an auspicious date surgery tradition technique, endures the drinking water to the patient the influence, endures the drinking water nursing observation before 85 example picking an auspicious date surgery technique, before finally indicates the traditional technique, to endure the drinking water to patient's blood pressure, the blood sugar, the psychology to create the certain extent the influence, before should strengthen the medical treatment and nursing cooperation and the technique educates, gives suitable food and the liquid according to the patient surgery time.

    【Key words】The technique fasts; Picking an auspicious date surgery; Nursing observation

    择期手术术前禁食水是手术病人术前准备的重要内容之一 ......

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