【摘要】2003年WHO乳腺肿瘤新分类在乳腺上皮性肿瘤项下增加了一种新的类型-浸润性微乳头状癌(invasive micropapillary carcinoma,IMPC)。IMPC是乳腺癌的一种少见类型,占乳腺癌的3%~6%。由于IMPC与乳腺癌的其他类型相比,除了有独特的病理形态学特征外,该肿瘤有高度的淋巴管侵犯、淋巴结转移等预后不良的生物学行为,在IMPC早期可有腋窝淋巴结转移和血管侵犯,因而近年来引起国内外临床及病理医生的高度重视。【关键词】乳腺浸润性;微乳头状癌;病理;临床分析
Mammary gland wetting quality micro papilliform tumor 1 example pathology and clinical analysis
【Abstract】In 2003 the WHO mammary gland tumor new classification increased one new type - wetting quality micro papilliform tumor under the mammary gland epidermis tumor item (invasive micropapillary carcinoma, IMPC). IMPC is breast cancer's one rare type, occupies breast cancer 3%~6%. Because IMPC and breast cancer's other types compare, besides has the unique pathology morphological character, this tumor has high bad prognoses and so on lymph vessel infringement, lymph node shift the biology behavior, the early time may have the armpit lymph node shift and blood vessel infringement in IMPC, thus the recent years caused domestic and foreign clinical and pathology doctor takes seriously. ......
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