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【摘要】 目的 调查新疆巴州地区维持性血液透析患者的现状。方法 选择2010年11月在我院血液净化中心行维持性血液透析的患者80例,用调查表登记患者年龄、性别、民族、原发病、透析次数、各项生化检测、病原学检查及透析间期浮肿、心衰发生情况,并建立数据库进行统计学分析。结果 患者平均年龄52±16岁;男女比例2.1:1;汉族82.5%,维族16.3%,蒙族1.2%;原发病因慢性肾炎45.0%,糖尿病肾病36.3%;每周透析2次者占58.8%,每周透析少于2次者12.5%,每周3次者25%;透析间期浮肿及心衰症状发生率分别为51.3%和53.8%;血压未达标者65.0%;高钾血症患者占38.7%;低钙血症者61.3%;高磷血症71.2%;PTH≥300pg/mL占55.6%;贫血占82.5%,其中重度贫血者8.7%,中度贫血者40.0%;结论 新疆巴州地区血液透析患者以汉族为主,男性明显多于女性;原发病前两位分别是慢性肾炎及糖尿病。糖尿病肾病比例明显高于我国其他地区;75.0%患者透析不足12小时/周;透析间期浮肿、高血压、心衰发生比例较高;高血钾、低血钙、高血磷、继发性甲旁亢、贫血及营养欠佳等发生率高;经济困难及健康宣教不到位是透析不充分的主要原因。
关键词:终末期肾病 维持性血液透析 现况调查
Investigation of current regional status of maintenance hemodialysis patients
[Key words] End stage renal disease; Maintenance Hemodialysis; Current Status investigation
Objective: To investigate current Bazhou regional status of the maintenance-type hemodialysis patients. Methods:Eighty patients were selected as investigation objects, who had been carried out the maintenance hemodialysis at the Blood Purification Center in our hospital during November 2010; 80 cases registered with the questionnaire including patient age, gender, ethnicity, primary disease, frequency of dialysis, various biochemical tests, etiological inspection, dialysis interval edema and heart failure conditions; and a database was established for statistical analysis. Results: The average age of patients was 52 ±16 years of age with a male-to-female ratio of 2.1:1; The proportion of ethnic groups was Han 82.5%, Uygur 16.3% and Mongolian 1.2%; The primary disease was due to chronic nephritis (45.0%) and diabetic nephropathy (36.3%); Dialysis treatment for 2 times per week accounted for 58.8%, less than 2 times per week was 12.5% and 3 times per week was 25%; intradialytic symptoms of edema and heart failure rates were 51.3% and 53 ......