【摘 要】目的:分析不同分型肺水肿患者的X线特征性表现,以提高临床诊断率,减少漏诊误诊率。方法:回顾性分析2008年1月—2010年1月收集的50 例肺水肿患者的临床资料,按不同病因分类,分析总结其X线特征性表现。结果:心源性肺水肿30 例,胸部X线片示肺血管纹理增粗模糊,两肺部“蝶翼征”、支气管“袖口征”等特征性X线征象;非心源性肺水肿20例,其中急性呼吸窘迫综合征11 例,胸部X线片早期表现为肺外周肺野弥漫性肺泡实变影,随着病情的进展,病变融合,整个肺野透亮度降低,出现“白肺征”;神经性肺水肿9例,X线表现为肺部“雾霭征”。结论:根据患者的临床表现、病史,并结合肺部X线特征性表现即可诊断肺水肿。【关键词】 肺水肿:X线;诊断
【中图分类号】R 816.4 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】1004- 7484(2012)04- 0016- 02
【Abstract】Objective:analysis of different type pulmonary edema characteristic X-ray performance to improve the diagnosis rate, reduce the misdiagnosis rate. Methods:A retrospective analysis of 20,068 in January -2010 collected on Jan. 50 cases of pulmonary edema in patients with clinical data, classified according to different causes, analyze and summarize the performance of its characteristic X ray. Results:30 cases of cardiogenic pulmonary edema, chest X ray film showed pulmonary vascular thickening fuzzy texture, the two lungs "Dieyi sign" bronchial "cuff" sign and other features of the X-ray findings; non-cardiogenic pulmonary edema 20 cases, including acute respiratory distress syndrome in 11 cases, chest X-ray films showed early peripheral lung field diffuse pulmonary alveolar opacities, as the disease advances, disease fusion, through the decrease in brightness throughout the lung fields, a "white lung sign "; neurogenic pulmonary edema in 9 cases, X-ray findings of lung" sign mist. " Conclusion:The clinical manifestations, history, combined with the performance of the lungs characteristic X ray to diagnose pulmonary edema. ......
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