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http://www.100md.com 2012年4月1日 《中国保健营养·中旬刊》 20124
     【摘 要】目的:通过对重庆市合川区农村偏远地区乡镇卫生院药品管理情况的调查,了解农村医疗机构药品管理工作中存在的问题,从而提出建议和对策。方法:对基层医疗机构进行调查与访谈,并查阅卫生行政部门近年的统计资料。结果:农村医疗机构在药剂人员、药品进出渠道和处方用药等诸多方面存在问题。结论:加强对农村医疗机构药品管理方面的软、硬件投入,加大监管力度,实现药品管理的规范化,从而提高医疗机构服务水平,保障农村群众的生命健康。


    【中图分类号】R 95 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】1004-7484(2012)04- 0057- 02

    【Abstract】Objective:Through an investigation into the current situations of drug management of rural medical institutions in Hechuan district of Chongqing city, to comprehend existing problems, so as to put forward feasible suggestions and countermeasures. Methods:To conduct investigations and interviews with primary medical institutions, and to consult the recent statistical information from the public health administration department as well. Results:Problems existing in drug management of rural medical institutions include aspects of pharmaceutical personnel, medicine circulation channel, medicines for prescriptions, etc. Conclusion:In order to upgrade the service level of medical institutions, as well as to ensure the life health of rural masses, the government should increase their input into the drug management in terms of hardware and software, and also strengthen governmental supervision, to finally realize standardization and scientization of drug management. ......

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