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http://www.100md.com 2012年5月1日 《中国保健营养·中旬刊》 20125
     【摘 要】目的:本成果主要探讨胰胆管十二指肠连接区(PDDU)癌的病理、CT表现特点与扫描方法。方法:对52例经病理证实的PDDU癌的临床及CT图像资料进行回顾性分析。结果:螺旋CT诊断PDDU癌47例(乳头型32例,管腔内型13例,混合型2例);主要表现为软组织肿块,十二指肠腔内充盈缺损及局部粘膜破坏和肝内外胆管、胰管、胆总管扩张;5例因扫描方法不当致漏诊、误诊。结论:螺旋CT能清晰显示PDDU癌的直接与间接征象,是一种很好的无创伤性检查方法,但正确的扫描方法是提高诊断率的前提条件。


    【中图分类号】R 735 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】1004- 7484(2012)05- 0283- 02

    Spiral CT Diagnosis for Carcinoma at Pancreaticobiliary Ductal and Duodenal Union

    Zhao Bao- ping1,Wang juan2

    (1.Department of Radiology, The 537nd hospital of PLA,BaoJ i 721006)(2.Department of Radiology, The 534nd hospital of PLA, Luoyang 471003)

    【Abstract】Objective :To study the features of anatomy,pathology and CT findings in carcinomas at pancreaticobiliary ductal and duodenal union(PDDU). Methods:CT features of 52 cases were retrospectively studyed and correlated with their pathological characteristics. Results:Among 47 cases studied(32 were papilloma,13 were ductal type,and 2were mixed types);CT featuresduct and pancreatic duct.5cases missed or misdiagnosis for inappropriate scanning method. Conclusion:CT is one of noninvasivetesting methods,which can clearly display the direct and indirect signs of PDDU.But correctly scanning is prerequisite to increasing diagnosis preciseness. ......

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