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http://www.100md.com 2012年5月1日 《中国保健营养·中旬刊》 20125
     【摘 要】在儿童微量元素检测中主要是对:硒、铜、碘、锌、铁、钙等这些人体必需微量元素的检测,这些微量元素的缺失或过量均会给儿童的健康成长带来一定的影响。本文针对我院2009年以来筛选出的1025例有临床体征的儿童,对儿童头发及血液中的微量元素进行检测观察,并从微量元素在人体中的不同功用着手进行分析,通过对儿童微量元素的检测结果,提出针对性的处理措施,这对儿童身体的生长发育、疾病的防保康复及成长过程中的健康指导有着积极的意义。


    【中图分类号】R 174 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】1004- 7484(2012)05- 0096- 01

    【Abstract】Be a pair mainly in children microelement detecting: That these human bodies such as selenium , copper , iodine , zinc , iron , calcium vitally needs detecting , these microelement microelement hiatus or bellyful is able to bring certain effect to certain effect healthy growth of children equally. 1025 example of preparation by screening take place has the main body of a book to experience and observe the children who goes on a punitive expedition to clinically over the past 2009 specifically for my yard , microelement in hair and blood carries out detecting observation on children, from and the different in the human body function of microelement sets about carrying out analysis, health in suggesting that pertinency treatment measure , growth growth , the disease defending against of this couple of children body guarantee the process recovering from the illness and growing up guides to have active significance by the fact that the detecting to children microelement bears fruit. ......

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