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【摘 要】目的:调查分析某医院门诊处方抗菌药物使用情况,指导临床合理用药。方法:抽取2012年第三季度门诊处方,分别从抗菌药物使用率、联合用药、用药指征等方面进行合理性分析。结果:某医院门诊处方抗菌药物使用率为50.19%,主要存在用药无指征、给药时间频次多、联合用药、药物选择等问题。结论:某医院门诊处方抗菌药物使用比例偏高,存在滥用抗菌药物的情况,医院要采取相应措施加强监督和管理,促进抗菌药物的合理使用。
【中图分类号】R96 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】1004-7484(2013)05-0107-02
【Abstract】Objective:To investigate and analyze using status of antibacterial drug in outpatient prescriptions, guide clinical rational drug use. Methods:Taking samples of the third quarter of outpatient prescription from this hospital in 2012, the usage of antimicrobial drugs, drug combinations, indications for reasonable were analyzed respectively. Results:The hospital antimicrobial drug use rate of out-patient prescription was 50.19%, mainly existing medication without indication, more delivery frequency for drug, combined with medication, drug selection. Conclusion:The rate of antimicrobial drug use of outpatient prescription was higher in this hospital ......