【摘 要】目的: 为了解我县偏远山区居民生活饮水含碘状况、为防治当地居民碘缺乏病决策提供数据。方法: 按照本地省、市居民生活饮水氟、碘、砷分布调查方案进行。结果: 检测水样135份,碘含量最低1.4μg/L,最高37.7μg/L,中位数12.1μg/L。结论: 说明该县偏远山区居民生活饮用山泉水碘含量,属于缺碘区域,生活应该使用加碘食盐。【关键词】 碘缺乏;山泉饮用水
【中图分类号】R12 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】1004-7484(2014)04-2003-01
【Abstract】Objective:To investigate the iodine contents and its distribution status in the drinking water in a remote mountainous District of Zhushan, and provide scientific basis and data support for the government to make or perfect policies related to iodine compensation.Methods:According to the drinking water standard of the lives of residents ......
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